
2020年3月将被人们记住,因为世界上几乎所有的教育机构都停止了“照常营业”并关闭了大门. 根据联合国教科文组织, 世界上大多数国家的政府都关闭了教育机构,试图遏制COVID-19的传播,这些全国性的关闭立即影响了全球72%以上的学生.

关闭的速度之快和向远程教育的迅速转变,几乎没有时间进行规划. 十多年来,世界各地的教育工作者一直在谈论需要重新思考如何教育我们的后代, whilst giving opportunities for learning at all ages and levels. 这场大流行迫使人们立即采取行动.

尽管当前的一系列危机正在影响数百万人,因为我们在生活和工作中都面临着挑战, 这种不可避免的破坏应该成为我们重新思考教育资源和提供的新篇章. 它迫使我们重新评估所有年龄段的学生对教育工作者的要求,以及教育工作者需要如何塑造更多在线学习元素的努力. 

这一动态变化发生之际,有关未来工作和未来所需技能的讨论和辩论日益成为人们关注的焦点. 根据世界经济论坛 报告, 65% of primary-school children today will be working in job types that do not exist yet. 作为这些地震变化的一部分, education needs to change to be able to better prepare our young learners for what the future might hold. The societal challenges we face today require diverse insights, new skills and different approaches to solving problems.

User Centred Design: Putting both students and teachers first

The first challenge we face revolves around Innovating in times of extreme change - enhancing the educational systems, services and infrastructure that meet the needs of teachers and students right now. 为了一个民主化教育的新时代, where access and availability for all is a driver, 对于大多数学生来说,他们是第一次完全在线学习,最大的挑战是什么? 


为了通过在线教学满足学生的需求,并不断提高各年龄段和各阶段的教育质量,教师现在和将来将面临哪些挑战? How do we get more teachers to enter the profession? How do we make it easier for them to apply, train and then teach? 

这些问题的答案大多在于为各种各样的用户群设计有效的以用户为中心的系统和服务, all of whom are operating in either stretched or unusual circumstances. 如此复杂的局面只能通过对挑战的深入理解,以及迭代和敏捷的塑造和采用数字服务来解决,这些服务可以增强教学和学习技术.

The development of new digital services will improve engagement with prospective teachers. Designed well they will help attract the talent that will power effective, 改善全民教育. 


当前的挑战揭示了适应能力和弹性是未来几代人进入工作岗位的关键特征(和技能). Aside from the technical skills required for a digital future, 雇主看重的一些最重要的技能是协作和沟通能力,以及作为团队一员的工作能力. 另外, 与智商, emotional intelligence (EQ) and empathy will be sought after skills for workforces.

COVID-19 illustrates how globally interconnected we are – there are no longer such things as isolated issues and actions. 未来几十年的成功人士将理解这种相互关系,并跨越界限,接受他们的差异,以一种真正合作的方式工作. 

We can already see this broad and adaptive shape of education coming through that combines breadth and depth, with deep disciplinary expertise being combined with general knowledge and work readiness intelligence. 

Continued investment in technology-enhanced learning

教育机构现在不得不利用教育技术工具来创建远程学习的内容. The potential is there for teachers to teach differently and with greater flexibility, which needs to map against students learning differently, 而是有效和成功地. 技术增强的学习将帮助教师跟上终身学生日益增长的需求(我们从未真正停止学习). AI-based learning tools developed in the past decade have incredible potential to personalise education. 另外, 考虑到机会平等, this technology has the ability to reduce societal gaps for future students. 


就像世界上其他地方一样, 老师们很少或根本没有注意到他们的学校关闭并转向在线学习——这对任何人来说都是一个挑战. At a time when the government is investing in teacher training and recruitment, 我们应该更加重视技术的力量及其对教育工作者福祉产生重大影响的潜力, but the platform of success must be built on user centred design. 

现在比以往任何时候都重要, 教育工作者需要帮助和协助,这样我们就不会要求已经负担沉重的教师重新设计教育的车轮. 封锁期间的糟糕技术体验将使教育部门更难为未来投资技术.  我们不认为任何人都有所有的答案,通过新的积极和消极的经历,毫无疑问会到来, it’s vitally important that teachers are supported to quickly learn what does and doesn’t work.

Published in Education  Technology Magazine June 1st 2020  http://edtechnology.co.uk/digi-mag/

在Informed Solutions寻找工作机会

Product Business Development Manager (Public and Private 行业)

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. 我们为支持大规模数字化转型的创新平台和服务提供多项女王奖. 我们的数字, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, 医疗保健, Sustainable Environment and Land Asset Management, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.机会通过帮助交付一些英国最重要的#tech4good项目来发挥作用并推进你的职业生涯.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.We strive to live up to our values of Innovation, 卓越, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, 我们选择的工作类型, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, 环境, and economic development aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, on the cultural fit of prospective new colleagues. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. 我们为支持大规模数字化转型的创新平台和服务提供多项女王奖. 我们的数字, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, 医疗保健, Sustainable Environment and Land Asset Management, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.机会通过帮助交付一些英国最重要的#tech4good项目来发挥作用并推进你的职业生涯.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.We strive to live up to our values of Innovation, 卓越, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, 我们选择的工作类型, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, 环境, and economic development aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, on the cultural fit of prospective new colleagues. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. 我们为支持大规模数字化转型的创新平台和服务提供多项女王奖. 我们的数字, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, 医疗保健, Sustainable Environment and Land Asset Management, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.机会通过帮助交付一些英国最重要的#tech4good项目来发挥作用并推进你的职业生涯.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.We strive to live up to our values of Innovation, 卓越, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, 我们选择的工作类型, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, 环境, and economic development aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, on the cultural fit of prospective new colleagues. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. 我们为支持大规模数字化转型的创新平台和服务提供多项女王奖. 我们的数字, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, 医疗保健, Sustainable Environment and Land Asset Management, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.机会通过帮助交付一些英国最重要的#tech4good项目来发挥作用并推进你的职业生涯.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.We strive to live up to our values of Innovation, 卓越, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, 我们选择的工作类型, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, 环境, and economic development aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, on the cultural fit of prospective new colleagues. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

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