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Informed Solutions是英国国际贸易部(DIT)本周启动的新技术出口学院计划的首批参与者,是30家英国科技公司之一.

新的出口学院于2020年6月在伦敦科技周连接上由国务卿利兹·特拉斯启动. 首批两批数字和智慧城市技术公司将参与一个为期9个月的项目,该项目将为他们提供一揽子支持,帮助他们在亚太地区扩大和发展业务.

108 companies applied for the programme across smart cities capabilities, from smart mobility and infrastructure to smart buildings and cyber security. 一个独立的评委会根据其产品和服务的优势选出了成功的公司, 他们专注于向亚太地区出口,并致力于多元化和包容性, a key priority for DIT and the tech sector more widely. The 30 successful companies are based across all 4 nations of the UK.

Informed Solutions Group CEO, Elizabeth Vega评论道:“我们很高兴被选为第一个国际贸易技术出口学院的一部分. We thank the Department’s technology sector team for all the support, 在我们调整运营模式并适应后疫情时代的国际业务时,我们得到了鼓励和便利.

Minister for Exports, 格雷厄姆·斯图尔特议员说:“祝贺杰出的英国智慧城市企业被选中参与这一雄心勃勃的计划. 该计划将帮助这些公司释放其出口潜力,并在世界上增长最快的地区之一站稳脚跟.

“There is an increasing global demand for smart city technology, 因为我们设计的城市环境更适合21世纪的生活需求, from transport to energy to residential design. 正是这些今天澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台该项目的企业,正在研究并发现最佳解决方案.

“I look forward to seeing the outcomes of this scheme, 以及这些创新企业在未来9个月将抓住哪些机遇?”.

Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for Asia Pacific, 娜塔莉•布莱克表示:“智能城市技术是整个亚太地区感兴趣的一个关键领域. 政府和企业都热衷于合作,所以我很高兴技术出口学院选择首先关注这一地区,并期待支持前30家被选中的公司在这一地区发展业务。”.

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Product Business Development Manager (Public and Private Sectors)

informed Solutions提供数字数据和技术解决方案,帮助世界变得更加智能, safer, greener, and healthier place.我们成立于1992年,是一家成功的、不断成长的国际数字化转型咨询公司. 我们为支持大规模数字化转型的创新平台和服务提供多项女王奖. Our digital, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, Healthcare, Sustainable Environment and Land Asset Management, and Digital Democracy.我们的目的是通过帮助建立一个更具包容性的社会来创造经济和社会价值, fair, 通过道德地使用技术和数据以及投资于数字技能来保障社会安全.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.机会通过帮助交付一些英国最重要的#tech4good项目来发挥作用并推进你的职业生涯.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, inclusive, rewarding, and egalitarian.We strive to live up to our values of Innovation, Excellence, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, always doing our best, and acting in good faith at all times.We’re a team of passionate problem solvers. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, particularly where place, location or geography are important. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, the type of work that we choose to do, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, environmental, and economic development aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, on the cultural fit of prospective new colleagues. 我们的成功依赖于营造一个创造和合作的环境,为我们的员工带来巨大的成果, our clients, and our partners.我们为什么在Informed Solutions工作通过Informed了解更多十大网博靠谱平台生活的信息.com/Careers

Informed Solutions
Lead Developers

informed Solutions提供数字数据和技术解决方案,帮助世界变得更加智能, safer, greener, and healthier place.我们成立于1992年,是一家成功的、不断成长的国际数字化转型咨询公司. 我们为支持大规模数字化转型的创新平台和服务提供多项女王奖. Our digital, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, Healthcare, Sustainable Environment and Land Asset Management, and Digital Democracy.我们的目的是通过帮助建立一个更具包容性的社会来创造经济和社会价值, fair, 通过道德地使用技术和数据以及投资于数字技能来保障社会安全.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.机会通过帮助交付一些英国最重要的#tech4good项目来发挥作用并推进你的职业生涯.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, inclusive, rewarding, and egalitarian.We strive to live up to our values of Innovation, Excellence, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, always doing our best, and acting in good faith at all times.We’re a team of passionate problem solvers. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, particularly where place, location or geography are important. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, the type of work that we choose to do, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, environmental, and economic development aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, on the cultural fit of prospective new colleagues. 我们的成功依赖于营造一个创造和合作的环境,为我们的员工带来巨大的成果, our clients, and our partners.我们为什么在Informed Solutions工作通过Informed了解更多十大网博靠谱平台生活的信息.com/Careers

Informed Solutions
Live Service Manager

informed Solutions提供数字数据和技术解决方案,帮助世界变得更加智能, safer, greener, and healthier place.我们成立于1992年,是一家成功的、不断成长的国际数字化转型咨询公司. 我们为支持大规模数字化转型的创新平台和服务提供多项女王奖. Our digital, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, Healthcare, Sustainable Environment and Land Asset Management, and Digital Democracy.我们的目的是通过帮助建立一个更具包容性的社会来创造经济和社会价值, fair, 通过道德地使用技术和数据以及投资于数字技能来保障社会安全.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.机会通过帮助交付一些英国最重要的#tech4good项目来发挥作用并推进你的职业生涯.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, inclusive, rewarding, and egalitarian.We strive to live up to our values of Innovation, Excellence, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, always doing our best, and acting in good faith at all times.We’re a team of passionate problem solvers. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, particularly where place, location or geography are important. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, the type of work that we choose to do, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, environmental, and economic development aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, on the cultural fit of prospective new colleagues. 我们的成功依赖于营造一个创造和合作的环境,为我们的员工带来巨大的成果, our clients, and our partners.我们为什么在Informed Solutions工作通过Informed了解更多十大网博靠谱平台生活的信息.com/Careers

Informed Solutions
Account Manager - Healthcare Sector

informed Solutions提供数字数据和技术解决方案,帮助世界变得更加智能, safer, greener, and healthier place.我们成立于1992年,是一家成功的、不断成长的国际数字化转型咨询公司. 我们为支持大规模数字化转型的创新平台和服务提供多项女王奖. Our digital, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, Healthcare, Sustainable Environment and Land Asset Management, and Digital Democracy.我们的目的是通过帮助建立一个更具包容性的社会来创造经济和社会价值, fair, 通过道德地使用技术和数据以及投资于数字技能来保障社会安全.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.机会通过帮助交付一些英国最重要的#tech4good项目来发挥作用并推进你的职业生涯.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, inclusive, rewarding, and egalitarian.We strive to live up to our values of Innovation, Excellence, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, always doing our best, and acting in good faith at all times.We’re a team of passionate problem solvers. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, particularly where place, location or geography are important. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, the type of work that we choose to do, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, environmental, and economic development aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, on the cultural fit of prospective new colleagues. 我们的成功依赖于营造一个创造和合作的环境,为我们的员工带来巨大的成果, our clients, and our partners.我们为什么在Informed Solutions工作通过Informed了解更多十大网博靠谱平台生活的信息.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

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