
Accelerating and De-risking the Development of Scaled, 有弹性的, 和互联国家安全服务

Justin Hassall,转型总监

Inter-Agency Collaboration Gains Through Data Culture Transformation and Change

2024: The World continues its transition towards more resilient, sustainable growth following three years of healthcare threat, which in part have been a catalyst for economic and societal, 动荡.

在这个充满挑战的时期,我们在Informed的经验使我们处于推动和支持数字变革的优势地位,并为国内和国际重要的公共安全开发以数据为主导的弹性和可持续性服务, 民防, 以及医疗保健项目的支持 英国内政部国家警察协调中心(NPoCC)NHS患者安全小组 最近 英国卫生安全局(UKHSA), where we are helping the organisation mature its digital operating model in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic.

Although each of these engagements have different objectives, 他们指出了机构之间安全有效的数据共享对于有效合作的重要性, 关键的主题. Whether that be capturing and sharing patient incident data across the NHS estate for patient safety improvement, 或者将每一起与火灾有关的事件的数据收集到一个国家报告系统中,帮助消防和救援部门了解火灾的主要原因,以减少与火灾有关的伤亡.

通过开发基于云的数据集成和数字互助平台,我们与NPoCC的合作已经看到了情报主导警务的进步,该平台整合了9个地区和46支警察部队, providing superior operational preparedness and response for national scale operations.

还有UKHSA, the body responsible for protecting our communities from the impact of infectious diseases, 化学, 生物, 放射学, 核事故, 以及其他健康威胁, our team is helping the agency’s technology arm design, 开发, 交付, 并支持预防所需的技术, 检测, 分析, 监控, 应对英国各地的公共卫生威胁.

Through our work with the teams responsible for critical national infrastructure, we have seen first-hand a very real requirement for continued, 对数据共享能力和容量进行明智投资,以实现和增强机构间网络协作的弹性.

实现有效的, 无缝的服务间协作愿景, 机构必须提供整合, 协作, 沟通, 信息共享既需要服务于提供服务的业务人员,也需要服务于这些服务必须满足的公民和患者的需求. 这种共享和协作的能力将使公民无论何时何地最需要服务,都能获得有效的服务和安全, and where challenge and need can be 最有效的ly met. 这将更多地依赖于基于有效数据和见解共享的机构间协作的整体系统方法.

While some agencies are trailblazers in the use of data, 数字工具和技术, others may lag in their journey due to the challenges of legacy data estates, 在数字服务集成和协作之前,数据准备和准备是下一个需要解决的挑战.

数据的质量和共享的能力将为更有效(和更具成本效益)地过渡到以情报为主导的警务奠定基础, 紧急服务和保健, 以及每个服务的协作能力. The key will lie in the ability for each agency to 交换 and interrogate high-quality data, using information transferred within networks in order to make the best, 最有效的, 以及最及时的决定, 沟通, 或者提供支持, 以及地点和方式.

With existing levels of fragmentation and divergence across the NHS and Justice estates, interoperability remains a fundamental building block for new digitally enabled shared services. 有效且可互操作的数据共享生态系统将提供使用技术标准的基础设施, 政策, and protocols to enable seamless and highly secure capture, 发现, 交换, 以及信息的利用, with appropriate controls that ensure proper and effective use. 在这, the reshaping of legacy systems with platforms that communicate with, 更好地合作, can be used to more effectively access and share data.

这个生态系统还必须通过使用人工智能(AI)来更好地应对共享非结构化数据的挑战。, 机器学习(ML)和自然语言处理(NLP)技术,在审讯和使用时发现并提供相关信息. This approach offers significant potential for data sharing, as it allows more meaning and intelligence to be extracted from legacy and unstructured data, and can also support better assessment of data quality and confidence levels in real time, by for example attempting to correlate between different data sets.

为了迎接这一挑战, data scientists at Informed have worked over the past two years to 开发 InformedDECISION© -创新, 第一个基于人工智能的决策支持平台,使决策者能够对大数据进行分类和提取意义, 分布式, and unstructured data sources in real time to support and enhance complex decision-making. 重要的是, 该平台能够从现有的非结构化数据源中统一和提取价值,而无需升级系统或获取数据副本,这为机构间协作提供了立即提高效率和协作收益的捷径, whilst significant legacy and data quality challenges are addressed. The platform is already helping Medical and Environmental decision makers integrate and make sense of large, 实时分布式数据集, employing automated learning to better understand and qualify external datasets as they are used.

该平台可以集成适应用户需求的智能工作流,并支持复杂的请求和事务, 与多机构案例处理提供无缝和安全的案例交易管理跨多个组织通过API桥,有效地集成和协调数据.

作为两届女王创新奖得主,我们有能力加速和降低数字业务变革的风险, we understand that the levers that help overcome the challenges of inter-agency 协作 through data sharing across estates lie in; the potential for AI to improve integration of unstructured data; shared and open technical standards that facilitate effective data interoperability; and ultimately investment in quality, decision grade data to support current and future needs.

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Product Business Development Manager (Public and Private 行业)

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions 交付s digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. 我们为支持大规模数字化转型的创新平台和服务提供多项女王奖. 我们的数字, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, 医疗保健, 可持续环境与土地资产管理, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.机会通过帮助交付一些英国最重要的#tech4good项目来发挥作用并推进你的职业生涯.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.我们努力实践我们的创新价值观, 卓越, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, 我们选择的工作类型, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, 环境, and economic 开发ment aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, 十大网博靠谱平台未来新同事的文化契合度. 我们的成功依赖于营造一个创造和合作的环境,为我们的员工带来巨大的成果, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions 交付s digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. 我们为支持大规模数字化转型的创新平台和服务提供多项女王奖. 我们的数字, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, 医疗保健, 可持续环境与土地资产管理, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.机会通过帮助交付一些英国最重要的#tech4good项目来发挥作用并推进你的职业生涯.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.我们努力实践我们的创新价值观, 卓越, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, 我们选择的工作类型, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, 环境, and economic 开发ment aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, 十大网博靠谱平台未来新同事的文化契合度. 我们的成功依赖于营造一个创造和合作的环境,为我们的员工带来巨大的成果, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions 交付s digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. 我们为支持大规模数字化转型的创新平台和服务提供多项女王奖. 我们的数字, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, 医疗保健, 可持续环境与土地资产管理, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.机会通过帮助交付一些英国最重要的#tech4good项目来发挥作用并推进你的职业生涯.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.我们努力实践我们的创新价值观, 卓越, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, 我们选择的工作类型, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, 环境, and economic 开发ment aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, 十大网博靠谱平台未来新同事的文化契合度. 我们的成功依赖于营造一个创造和合作的环境,为我们的员工带来巨大的成果, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions 交付s digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. 我们为支持大规模数字化转型的创新平台和服务提供多项女王奖. 我们的数字, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, 医疗保健, 可持续环境与土地资产管理, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.机会通过帮助交付一些英国最重要的#tech4good项目来发挥作用并推进你的职业生涯.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.我们努力实践我们的创新价值观, 卓越, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, 我们选择的工作类型, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, 环境, and economic 开发ment aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, 十大网博靠谱平台未来新同事的文化契合度. 我们的成功依赖于营造一个创造和合作的环境,为我们的员工带来巨大的成果, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

