
四月是压力意识月. Many organisations will observe this event and encourage good mental health and healthy behaviours amongst their employees by educating and raising awareness. 具有讽刺意味的是, by delivering their message through workplace technology that has infiltrated our lives and been an underlying part of the work-related stress problem for so long. 

科技的进步为员工在家工作提供了灵活性. It’s also provided agility and some stability for businesses to continue operating in this weird world we find ourselves in. The capability to instantly reply to emails and messages and hold numerous video calls that immediately connect us with colleagues and clients gives the impression of efficiency. 它甚至可能会提高生产率.


然而, 数字科技行业也给员工带来了额外的压力, 比如在关键的截止日期前完成任务, meeting high expectations to execute and deliver projects and keeping up to date with advancements in new technology, 举几个例子.

但这也有黑暗的一面. “永远在线”的心态和文化. 对未来工作的误用, 随之而来的是对我们健康和幸福的损害. That boost in 生产力 we see in the short term can quickly lead to increased work-related stress and eventually employee 倦怠.

科技行业对职业倦怠并不陌生,许多报告都支持这一点. The British Interactive Media Association (BIMA) 2019 Tech Inclusion and Diversity Report highlights some significant health concerns:

  • 66%的受访者表示,他们经常感到工作压力, 13%的人感到持续的压力. 
  • More than 50% of respondents say they SOMETIMES or CONSTANTLY experience physical symptoms of stress, 包括头痛, 失眠, 乏力, 惊恐发作和胃病. 

怡安集团的效益和趋势调查强调,在2018年, 78% of businesses in the digital tech sector reported an increase in employee stress and mental health-related illness.

这些统计数据影响的不仅仅是人, 对于企业来说,成本是巨大的,而且还在不断上升. 这是英国心理咨询和心理治疗协会的计算结果 stress costs UK businesses at least £1000 per employee, per year in sick pay and associated costs. 德勤估计,在某些行业,这一数字高达2500英镑. 

2019年,Asana报告了这一点 81% of UK digital tech workers surveyed said they felt burned out at least once a month or more …. 真的很令人震惊!

在最近的大流行期间,数字技术部门继续增长, 这对员工来说是一把双刃剑. 最近, 科技招聘, Harvey Nash conducted a survey that found 36% of tech professionals have seen their mental health deteriorate during the crisis.


Burnout is classed as a syndrome that results from workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. 没有被确定为医疗状况, 世界卫生组织建议,解决职业倦怠的最佳方法是, “是专注于修复工作场所,而不是专注于修复员工“. 

Other research supports this by suggesting that 倦怠 is related to stressors within the environment rather than related to weakness on the part of susceptible individuals.  You’d like to think you’d realise if you or an employee were in the throes or heading towards an episode of 倦怠, 然而,我们经常找借口或把问题归结于其他原因.


  1. 你可能会感到筋疲力尽,没有精力做任何事情. 你也可能经历睡眠紊乱, 或者嗜睡,出现一些感冒或流感样症状(不要与covid混淆)。.
  2. 你可能难以集中注意力, 感觉自己好像走神了, 开始发呆, 就像脑雾. 您可能会注意到性能和生产力下降.
  3. 你可能会感到烦躁和沮丧,并变得自我批评. 以及与你所爱的事物分离.
  4. 公共场所, such as restaurants and shops may begin to feel overwhelming – the lights are too bright and there is too much noise.
  5. 你可能会头痛, 饮食习惯的改变, 肌肉紧张, 高血压, 疼痛和皮肤不适. 


在科技界,职业倦怠是一个很难解决的问题. It may require huge cultural shifts and take lots of time and effort, but we have to start somewhere.

根据心理学家克里斯汀·马斯拉奇的说法,确实存在 工作中的6个方面如果不平衡会导致倦怠. 也许我们应该从这些开始?


Deadlines need to be realistic and consider your business resources (people) available to deliver projects on time. Constantly piling pressure on employees will lead to 倦怠 and add more pressure on other team members and so the cycle continues.

Something as simple as reminding employees that it’s ok for them to take time off work for holidays and for sickness can reduce pressure. 在较小的团队中, 员工们常常感到在自己不在的时候把工作交给别人是一种负担. 增加担忧和压力水平.

如果你看到有人在工作时间之外还在加班, 和他们打个招呼,看看他们是否还好. 这可能是他们无法应对当前工作量的信号.


这并不意味着你必须花钱. 奖励可以通过目标和回馈来获得. Getting involved with educational programmes or charity work is a great way to increase job satisfaction for your employees.

如果你想增加福利,确保员工知道有哪些福利以及如何获得这些福利. You’d be surprised how many employees aren’t aware of some of the perks provided by their organisation!


每个人都觉得自己是团队的一部分吗? Do you look out for each other and promote good health and wellbeing habits, starting with your own? 良好的身心健康会提高员工的敬业度, 生产力, 还有利润底线. 

要注意. 学会识别压力和压力的迹象. 不要只在办公室里谈论工作, open communication channels so people feel comfortable in not just asking for help but also in supporting others. 这真的可以鼓舞士气,让你的团队团结起来.


每个人都确切地知道他们应该做什么吗? 他们的角色是什么,涉及到什么责任? Have employees been provided with the appropriate level of training to carry out their job and are they supported by their line manager who has also had suitable training?

所有这些问题都会增加员工的压力水平. 受过良好训练、见多识广的员工不需要被牵着鼻子走,也不需要被微观管理. 相信他们,看着他们发光.


你是激情杀手吗? 你对X有多热情? 当你面试未来的员工时,你会问这个问题吗? 我的一大烦恼是,我们能不能不要再问人们对自己的工作有多热情?

如果你不是每天工作20个小时然后放下工作和家人在一起, 意思是你不关心或不致力于你的工作, 太荒谬了! 这种心态会导致员工倦怠和惊人的保留率. 它从何而来,我们如何改变它? 让我们公平对待员工. 

记得表达你的感激之情. Saying thank you and giving credit where it’s due is one of the easiest ways to increase positivity and happiness amongst your teams. 这是一个快速的胜利,而且是免费的!

你可能需要利用这段时间来回顾一下你目前的政策和程序. 他们是否符合你公司的价值观和你正在努力创造的文化? 如果他们不认同你的员工或者你的员工不认同他们, 他们不会逗留太久的.

Tech companies with the best record of ethnic and racial diversity (and overall good culture) earn more than the average company. 事实上,根据之前提到的BIMA报告,这个数字要高出35%.

Introducing a workplace health and wellbeing programme can be the 1st step in highlighting not just current issues in your workplace but a way to identify future risks too.

Taking action and showing employees that you genuinely care about them whilst involving them along the way, will not only boost your reputation and credibility as an employer but will attract people that want your company to succeed too. 

给员工一种目标感, 归属感, 以及允许自主的管理风格.

当涉及到我们的健康和幸福时,我们有足够的担心, 我们不要再把与工作有关的压力和倦怠添加到列表中. 在你的工作场所创造积极的健康和幸福,包括远程办公!

Even making small changes can reduce the risks and likeliness of 倦怠 occurring in yourself and your teams. 然后你就可以回去做你擅长的事情了,整天玩电脑,对吗?

你是否厌倦了投资于员工的福利,却没有带来任何长期的结果? Are you unsure of what areas of your business need to be reviewed to build a framework for improved wellbeing and culture in your teams? Is this the time for you to take a strategic approach to employee wellbeing so that you can hit the ground running for your best year EVER? 今天就与我们联系吧!

