
How can charity help your business and workforce’s post-covid recovery?

摄影:JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

The global pandemic has changed the way many of us work irreversibly. At the height of lockdown, over 60% of the population worked from home 

Once teams adapted to digital platforms replacing face to face interactions, employers and employees both began to see the benefits. Two-thirds of employers reported increased productivity for remote workers compared to in-office workers. Plus 9 out of 10 people working from home, saved an average of £44.每周78. 每年超过2000英镑! 

When you add to this a better work-life-balance for many too, it’s no surprise that a recent survey by the BBC found that almost all of the UK’s biggest employers said they do not plan to bring staff back to the office full time. 

Photo by <a href="http://unsplash.com/@deskmate?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">JP Lockwood</a> on <a href="http://unsplash.com/s/photos/wfh?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>

然而, 这个新的距离, 数字现实也有缺点, effecting team cohesion and wellbeing due to the lack of social interaction. Many individuals have missed the opportunity to see colleagues in ‘real life’, evidenced by the fact that almost a third of remote workers say that they struggle with loneliness. 记住这一点, how can employers balance a flexible workforce against the mental wellbeing of their employees? 

When it comes to managing a business in challenging times, charity can often be pushed to the back of people’s minds. Companies may be hesitant about donating to charity and the thought of dedicating vital resources to 器官ising a fundraiser can seem ridiculous, especially if your workforce isn’t inspired by bake sales or runs! 

But 器官ising a fundraiser and engaging with charity through a positive partnership, may actually be the key to boosting productivity and keeping a multi-location workforce motivated. 

Virtual fundraising has been a staple feature of corporate fundraising for years, allowing teams to set up a fundraising page online to collect donations and manually showcase their progress. 然而, the limitations of the platforms have previously been a barrier, making 器官ising a virtual fundraiser just as challenging as a face to face event. 

但由于Covid, virtual fundraising has seen a rapid transformation over the last year, 这在很大程度上要感谢汤姆·摩尔上尉爵士, who walked 100 laps of his garden in the lead up to his 100th Birthday. 为慈善事业筹集了3300多万英镑, 他俘获了全国人民的心和想象力, all while recording his fundraising total on the online platform JustGiving.Photo by <a href="http://unsplash.com/@mroz?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Filip Mroz</a> on <a href="http://unsplash.com/s/photos/jogging?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>

The publicity raised from Sir Tom’s challenge inspired tech companies to spring into action enhancing existing fundraising platforms, 升级可用性并引入新功能. 而不是简单地收集捐款, 手动显示进度, 参与者现在可以自动 track their progress using activity trackers and wearables. 实时排行榜, people can pit themselves against each other in teams or as individuals, 再加上一点创意, 想出新的创新的筹资方式. 


· Setup a fundraiser in minutes eliminating the need for planning meetings that can distract employees from core business objectives. 

· Run fundraisers across locations meaning people no longer have to meet in one place to take part making it time and cost effective. 

· Merge virtual fundraisers with face to face fundraisers increasing engagement and bringing teams together. 

· Engage a wider more diverse workforce with fundraisers tailored to your staff’s particular interests such as gameathons. 

有无限的可能, combining tech and charity can help enable businesses to build team and individuals’ sense of belonging, 成就和对公司的忠诚. Plus offer fantastic opportunities to combat those feelings of disconnect or loneliness many have experienced during lockdown. All of which can assist companies in navigating your business’ post-covid recovery. 

伯大尼亨克里乌  - 企业筹款经理 Kidscan儿童癌症研究: 

作为Kidscan的企业筹款经理, I have worked with these new technologies and platforms and seen how they enable us to get creative, so that businesses can get what they need from a fundraising experience. If I can support you with advice on setting up your own virtual fundraising event, 或者作为慈善伙伴与Kidscan合作, 一定要联系: e: 伯大尼@kidscan.org.uk | t: 07508964305 | w: www.kidscan.org.uk

Kidscan funds research into new safer treatments for childhood cancers. 在英国, over 20% of children who are diagnosed with cancer will not survive because treatment options are limited. 那些幸存下来的人, 60%的人会发展为生命限制症, 改变生活的晚期影响,如听力丧失, 器官 & 骨的问题, 发展问题,在某些情况下, infertility caused by the treatments used to save their lives. 

