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Meet Greg: 

Greg是Home Office Digital的软件工程和开发运维主管, Data and Technology. 我们问了格雷格一系列十大网博靠谱平台工程专业的问题, 以及在那里工作的感觉.


英国内政部是负责移民和护照事务的政府部门, drugs policy, crime, fire, counter-terrorism and police. Every day, our work delivers outcomes for UK citizens, 为他们提供周游世界的工具, 打击非法移民,驱逐外籍罪犯, 打击恐怖袭击和有组织犯罪集团, stopping people from becoming victims of crime and supporting those who require asylum and safeguarding.

To achieve all of this, 我们依靠具有广泛技能的人才, including digital, data and technology skills, 在十大网博靠谱平台,我们正在寻求大量增加公务员招聘, Sheffield, Glasgow, London and Croydon. And this is why we’re excited to be sponsoring and taking part in this year’s Manchester Digital Skills Festival. 我和我的团队都期待着与尽可能多的人见面, 所以一定要在人才日参观内政部数字数据和技术展台, 我们可以告诉你更多十大网博靠谱平台的工作和提供的角色. 

Tell me a little about why you wanted to work in the public sector and the Home Office, specifically?

我已经做了12年的专业软件开发人员, 但作为一个自学成才的业余爱好者,时间要长得多. 在澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台内政部之前,我只在私营部门工作, from building HR and finance software to Android apps that control the blue lights in Police and Fire vehicles. 我也花了很长时间在我当地的警察部队做志愿者, so the work the Home Office does, in keeping the country safe and secure, 我们建立的各种系统完全符合我的价值观. 在公共部门工作让我有了使命感, 我正在做出改变——做着对每个人都很重要的工作,不管他们是否知道! 

Why is it an exciting time to work in the Home Office software engineering profession and what are the future goals that will support Home Office priorities to keep the country safe and secure?

Our Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) teams build and maintain lots of services that help stakeholders and individuals, 即使他们不直接与内政部合作. This includes members of the public, private organisations, 其他英国政府部门和世界各国政府, so, our work is really far reaching. 

我们管理超过600种不同的服务,使用一系列不同的技术和平台. 这为我们的团队提供了广泛的学习/发展技能, 以及他们所从事的所有项目和技术中需要解决的问题——不断改进. 

角色适用于各种技能水平, from internships, Associate, or Apprentice Software Developers through to our Principal Developer and Principal Engineer roles and everything in between. 我们所有的现场空缺职位目前都在 Civil Service Job website, or our Manchester Digital profile page


我们有以产品为中心的多学科团队, 只要有可能,我们就会以这种方式组织团队. 因此,一个典型的团队可能包括几个软件开发人员, embedded Dev Ops engineer, a product manager, test engineers, business analysts, 用户研究人员和内容设计师,以及更多来自我们的 DDaT Profession,根据需要,人员可以在这些团队中进进出出. We work not only iteratively, but also in an agile fashion, 哪些是贯穿我们项目生命周期的, 帮助我们提供以用户为中心的服务.

We follow the delivery phases from the GOV.UK Service Manual 真正强调我们理解用户和他们所面临的问题的是什么, working iteratively on solutions and getting regular feedback so we know we’re building the best product. 团队组成和支持需求由项目的阶段决定. For example, in the Alpha phase, 我们可能需要许多用户研究人员和内容设计师, 但随着产品进入生命周期, 我们可以通过额外的软件开发来增加团队, 然后产品将过渡到1 / 2 / 3级支持.

What makes your developer environment unique?

内政部是一个高度数字化的机构, 这是许多外部人士可能没有意识到的事情, 以及我们如何为政府和公众提供服务, keeping the citizens safe really matters.

We have a wide spectrum of services, from large critical national infrastructure through to routine services such as processing correspondence, 这也包括公共和安全或秘密系统. 

我们的一些服务可能会挽救生命,就像下面强调的那样 最近的博客:“为什么在内政部编程更重要”, 十大网博靠谱平台一个新的报告现代奴隶制形式的发展, featuring DDaT Developer Sulthan. 


This is team and product dependent. Something I always say about the tech here is that we’re so big that we’ve got a bit of something for almost everyone, 不管你的编程语言背景如何. We've got some very modern tech, 在AWS Azure和Azure Functions上运行的基于云的服务, infrastructure as code with React, Express, JS/TS, Node, Spring, and Java, 有你能想到的所有存储服务——Mongo, PostgreSQL, RDS, Redshift, DynamoDB and others.



在内政部工作有很多福利, and more information is covered in this short employee benefits animation video. 我们的一些开发商说,他们特别被养老金吸引, 哪一个的雇主供款率在26%之间.6 – 30.3%. 


  • 起薪就你的级别来说很有竞争力
  • 拥有特殊技能和经验的候选人可获得最高13700英镑的额外津贴
  • 公务员退休金,雇主供款率在26%之间.6% and 30.3%, depending on salary 
  • 25 days annual leave on appointment, rising to 30 days after 10 years' service, 加上8天的公众假期和1天的女王生日
  • Season ticket loans and rental deposit loans 
  • A variety of staff recognition schemes 
  • Maternity, 收养或共享育儿假,最长可达26周全薪, 接着是13周的法定工资和13周的无薪
  • Study leave and support for studying for a qualification or other accredited development relevant to your role
  • 员工折扣——包括大量的零售商
  • 微软家庭使用计划和健身房会员 

在内政部工作是开始和发展软件工程职业生涯的好地方, but hear from Brandon our Senior DevOps Engineer to find out why.

It’s also important to consider the impact you can have delivering public services – that affect millions of people every day, 为您提供的发展和职业发展工具和支持, and the experience you will gain, 在友好的多学科敏捷团队中工作. 没有别的地方能让你获得如此丰富的经验! 


英国内政部鼓励尽可能灵活的工作, including part-time working, compressed hours, remote working, hybrid working, job sharing and part-year working.

在我们的dat团队中,灵活的工作将取决于团队和人们工作的系统. As I mentioned, 我们的一些系统处于关键国家基础设施和机密的高端. 因此,灵活的工作安排将根据你的工作地点仔细考虑. 

混合工作使员工可以部分在工作场所工作,部分在家里工作. With Covid-19 restrictions being lifted, 在业务需要允许的情况下,可以使用混合工作模式. 如果求职者有具体的问题,他们可以和招聘经理讨论这意味着什么.


有关我们组织的更多信息,以及提供的职位,请访问我们的 Manchester Digital Home Office page  

您还可以直接搜索所有实时数字角色,包括学徒机会 Civil Service Jobs.

Follow us: UK Home Office Careers @Home_OfficeJobs


Lead Infrastructure Engineer

最新动态:与the Digital合作的特色故事和即将到来的活动, Data and Technology Team at the Home OfficeRead our blog about how we are becoming more user-centred in our approach to the design and delivery of our products and services, 同时与其他技术专业人员一起工作, to build a complex data-driven product. To learn more about why it is our goal to find ways of embedding diversity and inclusion into our research and design practices, visit our blog page.了解更多十大网博靠谱平台在内政部快递专业工作的情况, visit our blog page. You can find more stories from the team and be the first to hear about upcoming events on our Digital Data and Technology LinkedIn Life and Home Office Careers pages. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can read about the professions and roles on our careers website. 听听团队的意见。观看视频,听听软件工程师的意见, Charlotte and Sulthan within the DDaT Engineering team about the projects their working on and how delivering public services at the Home Office can positively impact millions of lives every day.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Home Office英国内政部是负责移民和护照事务的政府部门, drugs policy, crime, fire, counter-terrorism and policing every day, our work delivers outcomes for UK citizens, 为他们提供周游世界的工具, 打击非法移民,驱逐外籍罪犯, 打击恐怖袭击和有组织犯罪集团, stopping people from becoming victims of crime and supporting those who require asylum and safeguarding.为了实现这一切,我们依靠具有广泛技能的人才. This includes digital, data and technology skills, 我们在十大网博靠谱平台的团队中招聘哪些人, Sheffield, Glasgow and Croydon. Learn more about our work and organisation The DDaT Profession Career Framework features over 150 defined roles, 分为9个技能集群-员工通常在快节奏中工作, multi-disciplinary teams: The 9 clusters are: ArchitectureCyber Security Data Engineering IT Operations Product Quality Assurance and TestingTechnology Delivery Management User Centred Design Why join Home Office Digital, Data and Technology?Home Office Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) designs, 为其他部门和政府部门建立和发展服务. 我们的角色是通过提高业务效率来实现转换. DDaT功能由大约2,300名工作人员组成,由一些供应商合作伙伴增加. 我们的系统每年支持多达300万份签证申请, checks on 100 million border crossings, 多达800万份护照申请,并为1.4亿人提供警察检查, vehicles and property. 我们的项目规模与我们人民的机会相匹配.我们是一个友好的团队,将支持和挑战你的贡献. 我们的文化包容、进步,重视每个人的独特贡献. 我们的技术策略也很明确:我们在敏捷的以产品和用户为中心的团队中工作, 以云原生和跨学科工作为重点. 数字包容、可访问性和形成跨部门的技术社区也是关键. 我们的主要配送中心在十大网博靠谱平台谢菲尔德, Croydon, Glasgow, but we also have offices in Southport, Westminster, Liverpool, west London and north London. 十大网博靠谱平台的团队位于媒体城边界内的肥皂厂, 1½ miles from Manchester city centre, 2½ miles away from Manchester Piccadilly station and a 2-minute walk from the Exchange Quay tram stop.We offer a range of benefits for staff, 包括出色的养老金计划和对持续专业发展的认真关注. 学习和发展我们为您提供与职位相关的学习和发展机会, 其中可能包括:AWS培训和认证, Azure training and certification, O 'Reilly Books以及高质量的管理培训, for example.In addition, we offer allocated study leave and support when studying for a relevant qualification or other accredited development. 例如,这可能包括BCS会员资格,或攻读学位或硕士资格. Diversity & 我们致力于代表现代英国的多样性, creating a welcoming, 包容性的劳动力,人们可以全身心投入到工作中. 我们很自豪能成为公务员队伍中种族最多样化的部门之一, 石墙100强职场平等雇主和社会流动基金会75强雇主. 我们致力于招募和留住残疾员工,并成为残疾自信的领导者. Our benefits Competitive starting salaries for your grade拥有特殊技能和经验的候选人可获得最高13700英镑的额外津贴公务员退休金,雇主供款率在26%之间.6% and 30.3%, depending on salary A culture encouraging inclusion and diversity Learning and development tailored to your roleAn environment with flexible working options25 days annual leave on appointment, rising to 30 days after 10 years' service, plus 8 days public holidays and 1 day additional privilege dayWe also offer:Season ticket loans and rental deposit loans Cycle to work and payroll giving员工折扣——包括大量的零售商 (via the Edenred platform), 微软家庭使用计划和健身房会员 A variety of staff recognition schemes Health and wellbeing initiativesStaff support networksMaternity, 收养或共享育儿假,最长可达26周全薪, 接着是13周的法定工资和13周的无薪Up to 5 days paid leave for volunteeringStudy leave and support for studying for a qualification or other accredited development relevant to your roleJoin us and make a difference If you’re looking for a digital career where you can make an impact, using cutting edge tech and have the opportunity to build your CV with projects that will help you stand out from the crowd, see our current available roles on offer. You can also read our blog to learn more about our people and the brilliant work they do and follow us on LinkedIn and X.

Home Office Digital, Data and Technology

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