
庆祝科技领域的家庭办公室女性- Sudipa的旅程



我选择申请在公务员和内政部工作的原因之一是因为我以前在我的地方议会的公共部门工作. Having seen how my engineering work made a difference at a local level, 我想拓宽我的视野,在更大的范围内做这件事.

我很幸运能澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台内政部, especially as I get to work on high-priority projects that impacts positively on people’s lives. 这里从来没有无聊的时刻, and we’ve had great success in terms of streamlining our processes, becoming more data-driven and also being transparent with the communities we serve.

提高内政部的数字能力是提供关键政府和公共服务的重要组成部分. 你和你的团队如何有效地做到这一点?

我们努力理解问题和挑战, 怎么解呢, 以及我们如何将它扩展到不同的函数中. Our teams are made up of great people with a whole host of technical skills, so we can be flexible in choosing the architecture and platforms needed, 例如在升级我们的云技术时.

作为一名高级开发人员,看到我的工作正在改变和改善人们的生活,我能够为内政部建立一个安全的使命做出贡献,这真的很有意义, 公平繁荣的英国. 也, being able to work across services has allowed me to learn so much, 当我们扩大规模以满足需求时, 我已经能够提高技能了, 同时在知识和事业上不断进步.

How varied is the tech stack and do you receive any support in upskilling?

当我澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台内政部时,最大的吸引力之一是技术堆栈的多样性. 根据您的角色和功能,您可以使用Java进行开发, .NET, you can be part of the Cloud team or get hands-on in the DevOps team. There are many different front-end and back-end technologies to explore.

Additionally, there’s a lot of support for us to continuously learn and develop. We have O’Reilly Books, Microsoft Learning and accredited certifications, to name a few. There’s also the opportunity to pair up with different teams and be mentored to learn even more.

More than ever before we’re seeing women breaking into tech but there’s sometimes a bottleneck effect; how can we see more progression?

当我刚开始工作的时候, 随着我的进步, 我发现担任高级技术职位的女性并不多. 然而, I’m starting to see more and more women breaking through into junior and mid-level positions. Whether it’s a lack of representation or accessibility, there have been barriers.

The good thing about working at the Homer Office is how diverse it is here. You can see yourself represented at all levels in the organisation, and there are groups and communities you can join to support your learning and progression. 我也很欣赏内政部为确保员工保持良好的工作与生活平衡所付出的努力, 这可能会成为许多有家庭或其他照顾责任的女性的障碍.

What benefits do you receive at the Home Office, and how do you manage a work/life balance?

我们在这里非常灵活,采用40/60混合工作分配. So, 当你花一些时间在办公室的时候, 你也可以部分时间在家工作, 利用灵活的工作安排, 取决于你的角色. 例如, 如果你要去学校, 只要你能保持一定的睡眠时间, you can manage your workload to fit around your personal responsibilities. 在这里工作让我可以灵活地在家里生活,照顾我的两个女儿.

在谢菲尔德工作,我发现在分配的日子里通勤到办公室很容易,从火车站和有轨电车都可以到达. 也, there is good office environment and it’s a nice place to collaborate with the Digital, 数据和技术团队.  

We also have a great holiday allowance of up to 25 days on appointment, 服务满5年后,每年增加1天至30天. There are opportunities to be part of various clubs and activities within the tech community too. 我强烈推荐在这里工作. If you’re considering a role at the Home Office – go for it and apply!




最新动态:与the Digital合作的特色故事和即将到来的活动, 内政部数据和技术团队阅读我们的博客,了解我们如何在产品和服务的设计和交付方面变得更加以用户为中心, 同时与其他技术专业人员一起工作, 构建一个复杂的数据驱动产品. 了解为什么我们的目标是找到将多样性和包容性融入我们的研究和设计实践的方法, 访问我们的博客页面.To learn more about what it's like to work within the Delivery Profession inside the Home Office, 访问我们的博客页面. 你可以在我们的数字数据和技术领英生活和家庭办公室职业页面上找到更多来自团队的故事,并第一个听到即将发生的事件. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 你可以阅读十大网博靠谱平台职业和角色在职业生涯的网站. Hear from the teamWatch the videos to hear from Software Engineers, dat工程团队的Charlotte和Sulthan讲述了他们所从事的项目,以及内政部提供的公共服务如何每天对数百万人的生活产生积极影响.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 家庭办公室的办公室是导致政府部门移民和护照, 药物政策, 犯罪, 火, 每天都在反恐和维持治安, 我们的工作为英国公民带来成果, 为他们提供周游世界的工具, tackling illegal migration and removing foreign national offenders, 打击恐怖袭击和有组织犯罪集团, 防止人们成为犯罪的受害者,并支持那些需要庇护和保护的人.To achieve all this, we rely on talented people with a wide range of skills. 这包括数字, 数据和技术技能, 我们在十大网博靠谱平台的团队中招聘哪些人, 谢菲尔德, 格拉斯哥和克罗伊登. 了解更多十大网博靠谱平台的工作和组织dat职业生涯框架有超过150个定义的角色, grouped into 9 skills clusters – with staff often employed across fast-paced, 多学科团队:9个集群是:架构师、循环利用、安全、数据工程、IT运营、产品质量保证和测试、技术交付管理、以用户为中心的设计, 数据与技术?Home Office Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) designs, builds and develops services for the rest of the department and for government. Our role is to enable transformation through improved business efficiency. The DDaT function is made up of around 2,300 staff, augmented by a number of supplier partners. 我们的系统每年支持多达300万份签证申请, 对1亿个过境点进行检查, up to 8 million passport applications and delivers 140 million police checks on people, 车辆及财产. The scale of our projects is matched only by the opportunities for our people.We are a friendly team who will support and challenge you to contribute. Our culture is inclusive, progressive and values the unique contributions everyone makes. Our tech strategy is also clear: we work in agile product- and user-centred teams, 以云原生和跨学科工作为重点. 数字包容、可访问性和形成跨部门的技术社区也是关键. 我们的主要配送中心在十大网博靠谱平台谢菲尔德, 克罗伊登, 格拉斯哥, 但我们在绍斯波特也有办公室, 西敏寺, 利物浦, 西伦敦和北伦敦. The team in Manchester is based in The Soapworks which is within the Media City boundary, 距离十大网博靠谱平台市中心1.5英里, 距离十大网博靠谱平台皮卡迪利车站2.5英里,距离交易所码头有轨电车站有2分钟步行路程.我们为员工提供一系列福利, 包括出色的养老金计划和对持续专业发展的认真关注. Learning and DevelopmentWe offer Learning and Development opportunities relevant to your role, 其中可能包括:AWS培训和认证, Azure培训和认证, O 'Reilly Books以及高质量的管理培训, 例如.除了, 我们为学习相关资格或其他认可的发展提供分配的学习假期和支持. This may include BCS Membership, 例如, or study towards a degree or masters qualification. 多样性 & Inclusion We are committed to representing modern Britain in all its diversity, 营造欢迎氛围, inclusive workforce where people can bring their whole selves to work. We’re proud to be one of the most ethnically diverse departments in the Civil Service, a Stonewall Top 100 Workplace Equality Employer and a Social Mobility Foundation Top 75 employer. We work to recruit and retain disabled staff and are a Disability Confident Leader. Our benefits Competitive starting salaries for your gradeAn additional allowance of up to £13,有特殊技能和经验的公务员退休金,雇主供款率在26之间.6%和30%.3%, 根据你的职位量身定制的学习和发展,灵活的工作环境,25天的年假, 服务10年后延长至30天, 加上8天的公共假期和1天额外的特权日我们还提供:季票贷款和租金押金贷款工作周期和工资给员工折扣-包括大量零售商(通过Edenred平台), 微软家庭使用计划和健身房会员各种员工认可计划健康和福利计划员工支持网络产妇, 收养或共享育儿假,最长可达26周全薪, 接下来是13周的法定带薪假期,另外还有13周的无薪假期。最多5天的带薪志愿者假期。学习假期和支持学习资格或其他与你的角色相关的认可发展。如果你正在寻找一个可以产生影响的数字职业,澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们,发挥作用, 使用尖端技术,并有机会用项目来构建你的简历,这将帮助你从人群中脱颖而出, 查看我们目前提供的可用职位. 你也可以阅读我们的博客,了解更多十大网博靠谱平台的员工和他们出色的工作,并在LinkedIn和X上关注我们.

Home Office Digital, Data and Technology

