
hackajob’s 5 tips to get the most of Talent Day

Being part of 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 和 sponsoring the Digital 技能节 is something that we at hackajob are super passionate about. Last year we shared our 6 top tips to prepare for Talent Day at 十大网博靠谱平台的数字’s Skills Fest. 今年, we want to help you get the most out of Talent Day after the event so we’ve rounded up some of our experienced Talent specialists' tips for how to follow up after the day. Let’s get into it below!

After using the CV clinic, make sure to implement changes to your CV as soon as possible

It may go without saying, but it is so important to implement the changes to your CV as soon as possible after going through it with the CV specialists on the day. Remember to add the projects, other relevant jobs or experience you’ve had 和 also a short introduction to who you are 和 what you’re looking for.

The advice you receive is from people who help hundreds of people get their dream role every year, so they certainly know a thing or two about how to make your resumé st和 out. 

Follow up with the people you met on the day

Networking may not be your favourite pastime, but it certainly helps in growing your connections for future opportunities. Our top tip is to follow up with a LinkedIn connection or email to those you met in person, on the same day or as soon after the day as possible. 想想看, who are you likely to remember – the person you met on the same day or this same person reaching out months later? 

跟进时, it’s a good idea to remind them briefly of the conversation you had 和 which event you met them at. For example, ‘Hi John, it was great meeting you at 十大网博靠谱平台的数字. I enjoyed discussing the next tech trends for 2023 with you 和 I look forward to speaking with you more.’ 

Attend the after-event activities

Whilst you may have already networked during the day, you can grow your network even more by attending any after-event activity like dinner or drinks. Remember, the goal of these is to genuinely learn, grow 和 meet peers. We’d recommend attending these activities as they provide an opportunity to build deeper connections with the people you met during the event, 谁知道呢, you may meet your future employer or colleague!

Attend other events from hackajob 和 十大网博靠谱平台的数字

岗位人才日, there will be many more ways to get involved with the 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 和 hackajob communities. 事实上, our next event in partnership with 数字她 takes place on Wednesday 8th March 2023 in person in Manchester.

Want to keep up to date with any other future events? Make sure to follow our LinkedIn, 推特, 脸谱网Instagram.

Sign up for hackajob 

Finally, if you really want to make the most of your opportunities post-Talent Day, then sign up to hackajob. There are plenty of great graduate tech roles available via the hackajob platform from employers you love like Playstation, 英国广播公司, Sainsbury’s 和 more! 

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