
Diversity In Tech: Buzzword or Beneficial?

在过去的几年里,多元化已经成为工作场所的一个流行词, especially in the past year as widespread remote working, 持续的冠状病毒大流行和全球抗议活动改变了我们彼此互动的方式. In the wake of of this, many companies 和 organisations pledged to make a change, 经常提供无意识偏见培训,并承诺更具包容性, amongst other initiatives. 不到一年后,许多领导人的承诺和行动都有所减弱. So how do we move forward 和 keep momentum? And is this even a problem for those working in tech?

在科技领域, 人们有一种误解,认为技术凌驾于人类的缺陷和社会偏见之上. To put it simply – this isn’t true. Not too long ago we saw AI systems – such as those used by 谷歌 和 微软 – come under the microscope due to perpetuating racial bias. 这只是一个例子,说明为什么科技行业的多元化仍有很长的路要走. When it comes to improving diversity in tech teams, you may be thinking “why is diversity so important, surely your place on a team should be based on merit?”. 没有人否认这一点,也没有人说应该根据身份来挑选科技员工. N一个theless, it is important to note that t在这里 are 非常 有能力的人来自不同的背景,但并不总是能得到同样的机会. So if you're not seeing these people on your teams, you need to think why.

It's evident that skills 和 ideas are not limited to 一个 gender, 比赛, 种族, age or sexual orientation. Diverse teams actually drive more innovation within an organisation. 不要相信我们? 看看 这个报告 by Harvard Business Review. But this article isn’t to cast blame or guilt-trip. Quite the opposite: we think you 可以 help.

像往常一样, 我们将概述建设性和可行的解决方案,以便您可以在最重要的地方做出真正的改变. To find out how keep reading!

Recognise W在这里 You Benefit - This Is W在这里 You Can Help

Often when discussing diversity, people 可以 feel personally attacked. "但我并没有要求这个特权"或者"实际上我认为我并没有得到那么多好处". 让我们面对现实吧——在科技行业工作的大多数是白人直男. That’s not a negative or a positive, it’s just the way tech currently is. 然而, 作为一个以始终走在潮流前沿、拥有最聪明、最优秀人才而自豪的行业, we’re really missing a trick by not being more diverse. 现实是, whether or not you think you benefit, t在这里 will likely be a place w在这里 you 可以 help.

You 可以 look at your life. 如果你是白人——你是否在倾听那些来自其他背景的人,以及他们可能因为不是白人而面临的困难? 如果你是异性恋——你是助长了工作场所的同性恋恐惧症,还是成为了一个盟友? If you’re a non-disabled person, are you working to make the workplace more accessible for your colleagues? Do you use gender-neutral language or have expectations for certain genders? Do you look down on those who haven’t got a degree?

好吧, 呼吸. Try not to feel overwhelmed. Remember that no 一个’s asking you to have to all the answers, it’s more about awareness 和 little actions that will make a change. 如果每个人都努力尝试改变一种行为,我们就会看到巨大的不同.

Be Prepared to Have Uncomfortable Conversations

有时我们会恐慌,因为我们不确定我们是否说了正确的话,或者我们是否会冒犯别人. 有时候,我们会因为太害怕冒犯别人而决定完全忽略这种情况. This doesn’t help any一个. 如果我们想在科技领域向前发展,我们必须准备好进行不舒服的对话. 你可能会感到尴尬的对话,或者你不知道该说什么是正常的. 类似的, it’s important to listen to those in minority groups, 和 not speak over them or their experience. 请,  不要做那种说“我有朋友是[少数族裔]”的人. You 可以 have colleagues, 朋友, 即使是来自少数群体的家庭,但如果你不是来自那个群体,那么你的经历就和他们的不同了.

多样性不仅仅是 一个 事情. 虽然种族和性别被更广泛地谈论(我们说得很随意), diversity spans multiple dimensions including disability, 神经的多样性, 宗教等. 还有交叉性的概念(例如,一个黑人女性不会因为她是黑人而受到一种对待,也不会因为她是女性而受到另一种对待——她经历过 这两个 at the same time) which you 可以 find out more about 在这里. 有时可能很难确定如何提供帮助,所以我们在下面列出了一些例子.

Not being diverse 可以 look like…

Remember this is not an exhaustive list 在所有, but you 可以 make a start 在这里.


  • 附近是否有足够的空间供坐轮椅或拄拐杖的人使用?
  • Are you using closed captions for the media you put out?


  • Are you using gender-neutral language?
  • Are you being over-familiar with some一个 just because of their background?


  • 尊重不应该建立在对年龄的认知上(这是双向的)
  • Neurodiversity: productivity doesn’t always look the same.


  • 你是否在无意中排除了那些由于宗教或个人信仰而无法参加某些活动的人,比如以饮酒为重点的郊游?
  • Is t在这里 a way to offer alternatives?


Now you underst和 w在这里 you might benefit 和 that’s all well 和 good, but how 可以 you actually help? It’s simple - be an advocate. Three ways you 可以 do this is if you donate, read, 和 organise.


虽然你意识到你想帮忙,但你也可能认为这太费时了. T在这里 are experts 和 activists who do this work on a daily basis. Consider donating to their causes 和 organisations. 然而, sometimes you may think, “t在这里’s only so much I 可以 donate”. 也许你可以推荐一个与多样性相关的慈善机构或事业,作为公司社区拓展战略的一部分. Or if t在这里 isn’t 一个 in place, you 可以 suggest this.

If you don’t know what to say or do then do the research! 这对于成为一个伟大的倡导者是必不可少的,因为如果你不知道怎么做,你就无法提供帮助. 网上有数百个针对不同社区的拓展活动, consider attending webinars 和 talks, reading books (or listening to audiobooks), 看视频. You may want to ask a colleague about their experience, 和 whilst some people are more than happy to educate you, the onus isn’t on them to do this. Imagine them having to explain to e非常 single person who asks …. 这会让人筋疲力尽. 这就是为什么阅读有帮助,现在有比以往更多的在线资源.


用你的声音来放大那些被边缘化或不太被关注的人,即使他们不在房间里. Actually, especially when they’re not in the room. 此外,多留意你周围的人和其他人的情况也会有所帮助.

对变化的积极态度是实现真正有益的变化,拥抱多样性和包容他人的基本途径之一. If you’re wondering how, 那么就拿这个例子来说:现在我们在某个地方吃饭的时候会有素食选择,这是一个既定的事实,但情况并非总是如此. 有些人会记得90年代,当时大多数餐馆的素食选择很少,也不关心迎合非肉食者. Fast-forward to 2021 和 t在这里 are now vegetarian options as well as vegan, gluten-free 和 dairy-free in some of our favourite spots.

We say this to say change 可以 发生在科技领域. 你可能会觉得你只是一个人,你不能有所作为. But If not you then who? 你很可能会 犯错误. 这没关系,但保持开放的心态去学习和改变是很重要的. We’re rooting for you.

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