mobile application, mobile app, app developers manchester

In recent years the growth of app development and particularly, 移动应用程序, 都是天文数字. With the constraints of the past year, there has been a further increase in app downloads as we shift towards a more digital mode of communication. 40% more time was spent streaming on mobile in Q2 of 2020 [source]. 随着市场的不断增长, now is the time to recognise this as an opportunity to add value to your users and explore the endless possibilities of a bespoke application. 如果你不确定从哪里开始 beta可以提供帮助!

Why should you invest in a bespoke app?

多通道的存在 – Your competitors are implementing this strategy and for good reason, ‘Only 8% of time spent on mobile is spent using a web browser’ [source]. Mobile apps are still a relatively new tool for marketing and generating exposure, so the sooner you take advantage the stronger your position against competitors will be. It is crucial to cover all bases to ensure you are reaching your audience on their preferential platform. A business site can bring in leads via search engines, whilst the app generates more targeted sales.

增加销售 – With a mobile application you can directly contact your customer 与 updates, 折扣和推送通知, adding further incentive and boosting sales and promotions that may have been missed on your site. You can also use a mobile app to send out geographically targeted ads to any users in the nearby area! Customers that have downloaded your app have already displayed a level of commitment and are likely to be reoccurring customers 与 the right message and marketing, 让我们进入下一个要点…

加强消费者关系 – An application makes your business accessible to consumers all over the globe 与out the need for a search engine or another device! You can continue to build a relationship 与 your client whether they are on holiday, ‘off-duty’ and (depending on the functionality of your app) even when they aren’t using the internet. 最重要的是, you’re also able to gather feedback and implement this to meet requirements and enhance the overall user experience.

洞察力 – Not only will you increase recognition and widen your reach 与 a multimodal strategy, you also have access to valuable data that you may not have been able to generate 与 a website or social platforms alone. With a mobile application you can determine your client’s demographic, 地理和行为数据. 哪些功能最常用? 人们什么时候使用你的应用? Where are your active customers based? With this insight you can track your leads more efficiently and tailor your business processes to enhance sales.

更高的消费 –Online retail has been rapidly growing for a while now but due to the lockdown restrictions, 这是有史以来的最高水平! Statistically, people spend around 15% more via mobile payments. Consumers want to purchase a product or service at the touch of a button and the less time spent on the ordeal, 更好的.


The mobile landscape is vast and 与 7 billion mobile users worldwide [source] it is imperative for businesses to utilise this platform.

在贝塔,我们提供 三步过程 来帮助你推动你的事业. 我们会努力 与 you to create a bespoke mobile application, defining key functions and tailoring to meet your needs. Our dedicated team of app developers will then design, build and test the application to the highest standard; ensuring the responsive model is able to adapt seamlessly across a variety of devices. 最后, we will support you through delivery and beyond (if you wish) 与 our range of support packages.

Get in touch now for more information!

