

欢迎来到聚光灯下, a series where 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 interviews its members to shed light on their work within the digital and technology industry in Greater Manchester.

在本期节目中,我们有幸与 庄严首席招聘顾问,查理·摩尔.


我们是庄严的, a recruitment company serious about providing specialist recruitment services to Technology professionals and businesses, 在十大网博靠谱平台和我们的其他8个办事处.  

We focus on building partnerships and gaining an in-depth knowledge of local technology communities, 按照我们尊重的价值观工作, 完整性, 激情与卓越.

This approach enables us to focus on collaboration and working together so that we can help you achieve excellence and fulfil your potential.

Providing high quality specialist services has helped us to become one of the leading UK recruitment companies, 不是自称, 但我们无数的荣誉证明了这一点, 其中包括最佳专业招聘公司.


From a recruitment point of view, the skills shortage within the tech industry is continuing to grow. Digital transformation has accelerated even more since COVID and we are seeing companies in the North West and UK-Wide all competing for the same talent.  This increase in demand coupled with a lack of skills is pushing up salary and rates. 

One way to combat the skills shortage is to encourage more people to enter the industry via education or by changing careers. 作为一家招聘公司, we spend time working with local universities/colleges to advise students/graduates on careers in technology and also host regular networking events, where attendees can hear from people that have had successful careers in the industry. 

除了技能短缺, 科技行业面临的另一个挑战是提高候选人的多样性. This is something that is being addressed by many organisations and it requires a concerted and combined effort from all of us to solve it.  We spend time working with our clients to consult on the type of person/skills that they are recruiting for, ensuring that job specifications and interview processes are inclusive and fair and building various diverse talent communities from which to recruit from.


It’s always hard to point out one achievement but if we were to point out one it would have to be the impact we’ve had on people.

In 2020/21 we managed to overcome the considerable challenges of a global pandemic. Despite the impact of COVID-19 on many in the recruitment industry we continued to grow, 搬到十大网博靠谱平台新的更大的办公室,并将我们的业务扩展到全球. 我们获得了第二次皇家公主训练奖, 在大流行期间, in 2021, we once again made the Recruiter Fast 50 list and won Global Recruiters Best Medium Recruitment Company, 评委们赞扬了我们在COVID-19期间的韧性.

最后, 自从我们十大网博靠谱平台办事处成立以来, 我们与494家客户合作招聘职位空缺,并协助2家,193名候选人寻找新职位.


像大多数机构一样, 庄严 is working to overcome the talent shortages for the clients we work with and also for ourselves. We are focussing on creating an inclusive environment where our employees can grow and develop their own careers to their highest potential. 十大网博靠谱平台与客户的合作, 我们定期就不同的吸引方式进行咨询, 在竞争激烈的市场中选择并留住人才.


我们相信十大网博靠谱平台科技领域的未来是光明的! We are seeing more and more companies continue to start up in Manchester or expand from other locations across the UK and even globally.  同时十大网博靠谱平台的业务也在持续增长, we are seeing a healthy investment into residential to try and keep it as an affordable place to live and work.

It’s great to see developments like the opening of the new Manchester College campus this year and the collaborations between the college and local business to ensure young people are work-ready for the digital industry.  This and other local initiatives will help with overcoming the challenges of the talent shortages and provide better career prospects for the local community.

也, having a community like 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 bringing everyone in the sector is a great benefit for all the organisations involved. We’ve not come across communities like this in other locations that we have offices in.


我们不仅是一家领先的技术招聘公司, 我们也完全相信技术及其所能带来的力量. We are investing into our own IT and Business Systems team which is now being led directly by our Managing Director.


为了了解更多十大网博靠谱平台庄严的信息, 点击这里.


BI / SQL开发人员

Technology Recruitment:  庄严 Technology Recruitment我们是庄严的 a recruitment company serious about providing specialist recruitment services to Technology professionals and businesses, 在十大网博靠谱平台和我们的其他8个办事处. We focus on building partnerships and gaining an in-depth knowledge of local technology communities, 按照我们尊重的价值观工作, 完整性, 激情与卓越.This approach enables us to focus on collaboration and working together so that we can help you achieve excellence and fulfil your potential.Providing high quality specialist services has helped us to become one of the leading UK recruitment companies, 不是自称, 但证明了我们的无数和荣誉, 其中包括最佳专业招聘公司. Technology Recruitment ServicesWe provide both permanent and contract recruitment services working in dedicated teams covering specialist areas such as Data, 动力365, 发展, DevOps, 改变 & 转型、数字化和网络安全. We also have a very well-established Public Sector division to meet the unique technology needs of those working in that sector, 我们的专家团队专注于房地产等领域, 国民健康保险制度, 教育等如果你正在寻找一个永久的职业转变, 为你的公司带来新的合同分配或人才, 我们将尽力充分了解您的需求, 提供建议和咨询,为您提供最好的结果.  技术事件. http://www.gravitasgroup.co.uk/events增加价值, we offer a varied events program focusing on knowledge sharing and facilitating connections.   活动既有面对面的,也有在线的,还包括社交活动, 管理层圆桌会议, 专家报告和小组讨论. Recent events have included:Cyber Security:  Who Prepares WinsD365 Releases Lets get Wave (y) 2.hesa数据期货-我们现在做什么?Monthly Women in Business RoundtableDataDen Quarterly Data leaders meetup Heads in the Clouds Networking Group for DevOps

Gravitas Recruitment Group

