
生命中的一天: Pallavi Rathmore, Senior Software Engineer, GFT

Ever wondered what it's like to work at one of Greater Manchester's leading tech employers or what specific job roles get up to each day?

Pallavi Rathmore is a Senior Software Engineer at digital transformation leaders GFT.

We spoke to her to find out more about this role, her experience at GFT and what an average day looks like.

What does a typical day look like for you in your role?

My role requires a substantial focus on coding. So a typical day for me consists of a mixture of coding, reviewing code, and talking about code! I will also have a few meetings sprinkled in where I can collaborate with colleagues and better understand what we’ve all been up to on our projects. I also try to do some self-learning for at least an hour every week.

At a glance, it could sound repetitive. 然而, each of these elements are so broad and present such unique challenges that there is never a dull moment! I also spend a lot of time brainstorming new product features, 尝试新工具, and reading about new and innovative technologies.

This is what a typical day looks like for me on my current project:

7.00am – Wake up early and go for a morning run, or do some exercise if it’s too cold outside! I’ll then get my children ready for school before I begin work.

8:30am - Check my emails before then getting straight into my project assignment by doing some coding for an hour or so.

10.30am - Stand-up meeting to attend to gain insight to the overall project and hear from others on progress. 我会的, unless any further urgent meetings are necessary, do some peer coding for the rest of the morning. 

下午1点——午休, 如果天气好的话, I’ll go for a walk as it gives me a nice break from continuous screen time!

1.30pm - After lunch I may have a couple of meetings to attend or other individual calls with colleagues.

下午3点——代码审查和更多代码! This will be my main afternoon focus aligned with my project aims.

5.30pm - I usually finish around this time before I then spend the rest of the evening with the family, 偶尔去趟学校!


我认为 it’s the possibility of creating new things every day as no two days or two problems are ever the same. Writing code is an art while solving complex challenges gives me a different kind of thrill! The other thing I really enjoy is meeting new people as everyone has a different way of looking at same problem. I feel that, ultimately, every day I learn something new in my role.

What is the biggest challenge in your role?

我认为, 像很多人一样, it can be simply keeping focused entirely on what’s asked of you because a lot of the time I will dream about working on very complex projects though I have to prioritise managing my team. 随着你的不断发展, you get more involved with people management so it is about finding the right balance between your technical pursuits and your responsibility to your team.

Time management is also important, of course. 就我个人而言, 我认为 the most challenging part is to keep the right balance between work and personal life.

Sometimes when you are near some deadlines it gets very stressful though you still need to make time for family!

What advice would you give someone who is thinking of working in your role?

喜欢科技的人, solving complex problems and working with their peers may enjoy working as software engineers. Don’t assume that you have to know everything. Just keep an open mind about learning new things and embracing new technologies.


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