

At 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. This week we're speaking with Tom Crump, Head of Sales at Sync, an evolution of GBM Digital Technologies Ltd to support organisations across the UK, 协助领养, 部署, 以及科技在工作场所的持续应用.


1992年出生于GBM集团, Sync有一个值得骄傲的传统, 支持十大网博靠谱平台蓬勃发展的创意产业. 

The Sync brand itself represents an important part of GBM Digital’s story; the future of GBM. As the creative and technology industries continue to evolve at a rapid pace, Sync have made huge investments into its 业务 in order to develop the company’s brand - and inline with this, develop incredible new ways of supporting Manchester 业务es. 

This includes taking on a beautiful three-level location in Deansgate that houses an experience centre, 苹果服务和维修中心, city-centre training and conference suite - as well as investing upwards of £100,在一个新的, 最先进的网站和电子商务商店, giving customers access to our services on a 24/7 basis.There has been a specific focus on working with Manchester 业务es, 提供技术支持, training and employing a holistic approach to the way company’s use tech.


大家可以想象, the 业务 has changed dramatically over the past 28-years - and has had to in order to ensure that it stays at the very cutting edge of the technology space. 自然, the mass adoption of the internet for example has revolutionised modern life, 并彻底改变了技术领域.

Whilst the technology and 部署 practices have updated through the years however, our mission statement has continued to stay the same; delivering customer-centric solutions via a consultancy-lead approach.

Sync has made substantial contributions to 教育 initiatives, including working with Oasis Community Learning Trust in the largest Apple 教育 部署 in England. 监督30,000 iPads  delivered to primary and secondary school students and staff over the course of the academic year. 这个项目, 命名为绿洲地平线, is just one of several national activations designed to improve tech-assisted learning. 

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?

在大流行之前, 我们的团队在全国范围内开展工作, running and supporting over 280 days of face-to-face training and informational events per annum - all at zero-cost, 为了支持企业和学校. Trying to retain the kind of  conversations created from those events is going to be a challenge, but it is one we have tried to address straight off the bat. 这包括我们目前的培训和 系列讲座.

在大流行的高峰期, 我们在网上接受培训, delivering over 110 free skills-based training sessions to 业务es and key-workers, focussing on how to pivot aspects of your organisation in order to continue working and communicating through lockdown.

此外, our technical teams have continued to support key-worker organisations in an onsite capacity, 帮助保持他们的IT功能齐全, making changes to accommodate remote or hybrid-working solutions.

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s digital and tech sector?

We love working locally and supporting our local community. Manchester has always been a creative Hub in the UK and continues to find new ways to create and innovate in the most trying of times.

Following years of success and sustainable year on year growth, 我们将继续投资于我们的业务, 进一步提升我们令人难以置信的消费者, 业务, 教育 支持车辆-包括我们的在线服务.

I think that digital and tech are going to continue merging, 结果就是, we will start to unlock even greater ways to interact and connect - using technology as a tool to deliver user-centric experiences. 结果是, we will also continue to see a growth in requirements for UI/UX, coding and development roles - one that Manchester is well prepared to deliver.

Tell us something we might not know about your company?

We’re incredibly proud to be authorised by the world’s leading manufacturers and software developers, 包括苹果, 微软, 谷歌, 和Adobe. Being authorised by global tech leaders requires strong product, 行业的, 以及组织知识,

We are very proud to have started offering funded places on some our acclaimed 培训课程.


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