
Schnap! 商业用途-已发布 !


Schnap! – our popular “local social” chat app - just gets better and better. Schnap! allows users to discover people around to them and chat to them in real time without using social media - so it’s fast and intuitive - you can see fellow Schnap! users around you and just start chatting.

Usually over a drink, of course - and that’s how Phil and Martin at Schnap! 灵光乍现.

We’re pleased to announce a major upgrade to Schnap! which allows users to 点菜 and drinks from the bar when on a night out. Good news for both users and the hospitality industry at the moment.

新的升级被称为 Schnap! 为业务 - available on iOS and Android, it’s completely free for Schnap! users - and business users only need to pay card processing fees. 

It’s a zero cost setup for commercial operators. 我们认为这是个好主意.

Schnap! 为业务 allows users to discover chat and social venues around them, 浏览场地, 把他们的菜单拉上来, 点菜, pay and then have items delivered to their table. Once the order is paid for, users can track it until delivery whilst being able to chat, via Schnap! 喝其他烈酒! 本地用户. 

So if they’re having a good time, they can bring more trade into your venue as well.

Schnap! 为业务 is designed to be used by pubs, restaurants, cafes, hotels, mobile catering and at events.  

因为Schnap! 是用 谷歌颤振, we were able to quickly add all this additional functionality (encompassing both the web and mobile side) in just six weeks.

这就是为什么我们非常喜欢 cross platform development frameworks: they allow us to very quickly deploy mobile apps and easily add functionality with the best ROI for clients.  

If you’re in the Hospitality industry and would like to know more about Schnap! 为业务,点击 在这里 了解更多信息. 

And if you’re a non commercial user who wants to use Schnap!  to start chatting “local social” style, (and order those sticky ribs above) 

至于我们—— Foresight Mobile 总部设在斯托克波特, we're a developer of bespoke mobile apps for SME's, 创业公司和家喻户晓的名字. We use the latest development frameworks, such as 谷歌颤振 to develop apps with the best return on investment for our customers.

If you'd like to find out more about us, feel free to contact us on hello@foresightmobile.com 或者直接点击 在这里. We're happy to talk through any requirements or questions you might have.

查看我们的 Manchester based Flutter app development services 在这里 !

