
生命中的一天: 林赛·斯蒂芬斯, 首席服务设计师, DWP Digital

Ever wondered what it's like to work at one of Greater Manchester's leading tech employers or what specific job roles get up to each day?

林赛·斯蒂芬斯是DWP Digital的首席服务设计师.

我们采访了她,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台这个角色的信息, her experience at DWP Digital and what an average day looks like.

名称: 林赛·斯蒂芬斯
公司: DWP Digital
职称: 首席服务设计师
工作时间: 6个月


我是首席服务设计师 以用户为中心的设计实践. 六个月前,我申请了内部晋升的职位, 他在DWP工作了三年半. I was previously a Senior Service Designer leading a User Experience team in 技术服务. Prior to that I worked for a long time as a Consultant for IBM iX, 为包括DWP在内的许多政府客户提供服务. 

在DWP Digital工作,你最喜欢的是什么?

我喜欢和有才华的人一起工作, intelligent and kind colleagues who are all motivated by helping vulnerable people in our society. 我们的工作很有挑战性, but t在这里 are opportunities to learn new skills and find out new things on a daily basis so it’s always interesting on a professional level. 从个人角度来看, I really appreciate the flexible working benefits and the impact that has on my work-life balance.  


在家里,我和我的伴侣住在一起, six year old son and three cats… so my day starts early as soon as one of them wakes – usually around 6am. My son and I have breakfast together, get ready, then my partner and I alternate school drop-off. I work in a hybrid way, so some days I work from home and others in the office. 我乘电车去DWP数字公司上班 十大网博靠谱平台的办公室 in St Peter’s Square, and use any commuting time to read Twitter, articles and blogs or news. 

I start my working day around 8:30am by checking my inbox and calendar. 我的工作范围很广,所以没有哪两天是完全一样的! 我经常和三个同事合作, 包括DWP的服务设计主管, so we often start the day with a team meeting to keep in touch with progress on various projects. 

我的主要职责之一是我们的服务设计框架, which has been developed to help DWP focus the design of services around users, 并提高服务设计实践的成熟度. My role involves meeting with stakeholders from all over the department, 解释更多十大网博靠谱平台服务设计的内容, 我们的方法, the framework and our recommendations as well as working with various business areas to start experiments to test our hypotheses (assumptions). 

I regularly facilitate workshops and use whiteboard tools such as Mural to enable a group of people to understand and define problems, 以及发展和完善解决问题的想法. We often produce visual representations of artefacts which 支持 the design of services like user journeys, 蓝图和原型.

I also work closely with our practice of Service Designers to map and develop skills within the community, 提供培训, 支持, 组织社区会议,领导招聘活动. 

我是DWP女性数字化指导委员会的成员, so regularly facilitate meetings with the network such as a recent fireside chat with one of our Directors, 谢丽尔·史蒂文斯. I’m passionate about women and girls feeling confident to develop careers in digital / STEM roles and represent the society we serve at DWP. 

I finish my working day sometime between 5pm and 6pm, depending on my workload. After that I often run around taking my son to an after-school activity, 为家人做晚餐. 我有长期肾病,肾功能低下, 这意味着我必须吃专门的饮食(低钾, 磷酸, protein and salt) and limit my fluid intake – it can make for some interesting recipes! 

有些晚上我去上瑜伽或舞蹈健身课, but others are about putting my son to bed and flopping in front of the TV! 

What is it like starting a new job /working remotely during the pandemic?

疫情开始时,我已经在DWP数码公司工作了, but had several new team members who started work during that time. It was a challenge to 支持 them and bring them into a new team working remotely with people they had never met before. 

我们专注于让人们感到受欢迎, inviting new colleagues to group chats and sharing photos of ourselves, 孩子们, pets and even doing fancy dress photo challenges after work in the early days of full lockdown. 我们每天都有以工作为中心的电话会议, but included a ‘random question of the day’ in the last five minutes. I think we learned more about each other during those calls than in the 18 months before lockdown! 

Personally, I found things really difficult trying to juggle work and home-schooling. 我的搭档也在一家大型政府数字机构工作, so we agreed to do ‘shift’ work and switch parent time with taking work calls. I really missed the camaraderie of being with colleagues in the office. I’m grateful now of the opportunity to work in a hybrid way, as it gives us the best of both worlds.  


The complexity of the work we do a DWP Digital is really challenging, 这就是让我兴奋的地方. 这对我们社会中的人来说是一种变革, 以及作为服务设计师, I am excited about connecting our user-centred digital services with others doing great work across DWP to provide better holistic experiences for our customers. 


我每天都学习新东西! Technology is changing at such a fast pace that no-one can know it all, and your ability to learn on the job is more important than any knowledge you may already have. 


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