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How To Enjoy Christmas 2022 in and Around Manchester

节日期间给我们带来了很多机会去吃百果馅饼, cold weather activities, magical singalongs, and so much more.

毫无疑问,这是一年中最美好的时光, according to Andy Williams, it is). 如果你想和家人一起享受节日的欢乐, friends, partners, or even yourself, 我们整理了一系列你可以参加的活动,以确保你在十大网博靠谱平台及周边地区享受2022年的圣诞节.

The Manchester Christmas Markets - Free of Charge

既然可以待在英国,为什么还要大老远跑到德国去体验真正的圣诞市场呢? As always, the incredibly popular markets return to the streets of Manchester, with plenty of traditional stalls offering a range of food, drinks, gifts, and more.

With over 220 stalls available to peruse until the 22nd of December, there’s sure to be something for everyone to enjoy. 

Festive Sundays in the City Centre - Free of Charge

如果你发现自己渴望在12月的周日下午或晚上进行一些户外娱乐, why not pop into the city centre and enjoy the fun of Festive Sundays?

Six consecutive Sundays of street performances, bright lights, and music will engulf the city of Manchester, 为家人和朋友提供了很多进入圣诞精神的机会.

Skate Manchester - From £14.50 for Adults and £12.50 for Children

Ice skating has returned to the heart of Manchester. Located at Cathedral Gardens, 溜冰者可以整天整夜地享受溜冰鞋在冰面上滑动和切割的声音.

无论天气如何,你都可以享受到很多乐趣,这要归功于他们的屋顶. 如果你想在十大网博靠谱平台找一个好的约会活动,这是一个完美的地方. 祈祷他们有足够的企鹅给那些对他们的滑冰能力有点怀疑的人(不是我们), we promise…).

Snowstorm at the Trafford Centre - From £11.99

今年,英国最大的家庭冰上表演将在特拉福德中心举行. Experience 16 top ice skaters, international circus stars, and ice bears in 200sq meters of real shimmering ice.

整个庆祝活动会让你在你的座位的边缘,不顾一切地返回更多. Plus, 花一整天的时间,在特拉福德中心内所有很棒的商店里购物.

Breakout Unboxed: Locked Up in Lapland - £28

Something’s happened… Santa’s locked himself in his workshop, Mrs Claus isn’t happy, the elves are panicking, and the reindeer are offering little to no help. Can you save Christmas?

This is a breakout room delivered to your door. 享受拯救圣诞节的压力,同时舒适地坐在自己的房子里,在一个充满乐趣的盒子里,这对家人和朋友来说是完美的.

Winter Funland - From £22.50 for Adults & Children

The most awaited Christmas funfair in the UK is coming to Manchester. Winter Funland is full of child-friendly rides, bringing smiles and laughter to the faces of everyone who visits.

On top of that, if you get hungry throughout the day, there’s plenty of food and drinks available, with burgers, candyfloss, popcorn, pizzas, hot dogs, and chips on offer. 你只需要买一张票就可以无限次乘坐和滑冰. What are you waiting for

Lightopia, Heaton Park - From £22.50 for Adults and £14.50 for Children

屡获殊荣的Lightopia回来了,准备照亮希顿公园,比以往任何时候都更加明亮. Book your tickets to embark on a journey through Christmas, focusing on new beginnings, hope, and rebirth.

Enjoy bright, dazzling illuminations, a magical water show, and the sight of the world-famous Phoenix. This year’s Lightopia is set to be the best ever. Make sure you book your tickets now to avoid disappointment!

Harry Potter: A Forbidden Forrest Experience - From £26.50 for Adults and £21.50 for Children

《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》和《十大网博靠谱平台》系列电影中的迷人生物在引人入胜的禁林里复活了. Embark on a magical journey through Arley Hall & Gardens in this fantastically magical and wonderful experience.

每张票都可以让你进入林地散步和进入村庄, full of Harry Potter-themed food & drink. 对于所有只想沉浸在魔法世界中的粉丝来说,这是一个完美的活动. 

Escape to Winter Island - Free To Book

The incredibly popular Manchester hotspot, Escape to Freight Island, has received a festive makeover in time for the Christmas season. 

Guests can enjoy food from plenty of restaurants, mulled wine and other festive drinks, a rooftop ice rink, and so much more. Whatever Christmassy treats you fancy, you’re sure to find them here.

Love Actually at the Bridgewater Hall - From £43

Ah, Love Actually. 一部星光熠熠的圣诞经典电影将于12月在布里奇沃特音乐厅上演,届时将有一个完整的管弦乐队现场演奏其原声.

Love Actually in Concert is a highly popular event, 每年的这个时候,英国的许多其他地方都会举办这个活动. Make sure you book now to guarantee a seat. This is one activity/event you don’t want to miss.

Christmas at Cheshire Oaks - Free to Visit


去冬季村享受传统的德国Brätwurst和温暖的热葡萄酒,惊叹于英格兰北部最高的圣诞树. Also, take a ride on the Big Wheel and even join Santa up in the sky. Prices for the Big Wheel are from £5 for children and £6 for adults.

Santa Specials with the East Lancashire Railway - From £27.59 for Adults and £27.50 for Children

准备好开始你的圣诞节与迷人的旅程,通过神奇的厄维尔谷? 东兰开夏铁路公司将为圣诞老人带来比你想象中更多的家庭乐趣.

让自己沉浸在圣诞老人的工作室里,身边有快乐的小精灵帮助你度过整个旅程,并与圣诞老人本人会面. 在大约80分钟的旅程中,圣诞老人和一棵会说话的神奇圣诞树也将与您见面.

Raymond Brigg’s The Snowman at the Bridgewater Hall - From £27.50 for Adults and £17.50 for Children

A Christmas classic from the legend that is Raymond Briggs. 雪人是许多家庭圣诞节例行活动的重要组成部分, 布里奇沃特音乐厅正在播放1982年的电视电影原版,旁边还有现场管弦乐队.

如果不生火看这部最受欢迎的电影,圣诞节就不是圣诞节了. Whilst there may not be an actual fire in the Bridgewater Hall, 我们肯定会把暖气开到最大以获得真实的感觉.

The Pantomime Adventures of Peter Pan - From £13

十大网博靠谱平台喜剧巨星杰森·曼福德将主演经典童话剧《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》. This is the ideal event for all the family to enjoy, with plenty of singing, special effects, stunning stages, and incredible costumes on show.


The Hayloft Santa Experience - From £16 for Adults and £18 for Children

柴郡的Hayloft邀请你澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台他们的工作室,参加一些迷人的圣诞活动, including making reindeer food for Santa’s drivers. 此外,还有一条微型铁路带你前往圣诞老人的洞穴,每个孩子都有礼物.

Make sure you wrap up tight, though! 所有的活动都在室外秘密进行,所以要为寒冷的天气穿好衣服. 整个12月都有日期可供选择,一定会有适合你的时间.

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