

You may want to consider performing a 辛苦的工作 分析 to identify its strengths, 弱点, 机会, 和威胁.

作为社交媒体上的一个品牌, every decision you make and every post you publish contributes to a wider, 长期目标. Without a proper 策略, you may ever find it difficult to reach your full potential.

Whether you’re unsure what makes a successful campaign or simply aren’t satisfied with your growth on social media, a 辛苦的工作 分析 can provide you with insightful information about what works well and perhaps what doesn’t. 

在本指南中, we'll go through the basics of a social media 辛苦的工作 分析 and how doing one may help you to create a more effective social 策略.


辛苦的工作 stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Think of it as a research tool that helps you to identify what you are doing well, 你可以改进的地方, the possibilities available and the potential risks that may occur.


A 辛苦的工作 分析 is especially useful when you need to evaluate performance. It can also provide you with a better understanding of your 长期目标s and improve your overall marketing 策略.

我如何执行社交媒体 辛苦的工作 分析?

完成社交媒体辛苦的工作分析, you will need access to the insights on your social media account. 然后你应该遵循以下四个步骤:


首先确定你在社交媒体上最擅长什么. Identify your highest-performing posts and also determine what you are doing better than competitors. At this stage of the 分析, you may want to consider the following questions:

  • 你的品牌在社交媒体上有知名度吗?
  • 你的受众最喜欢什么类型的内容? 单图像,旋转木马,卷轴等.
  • Do you maintain an appropriate and consistent tone of voice throughout the copy?
  • 你的帖子是专门针对你的目标受众的吗?
  • Is your content valuable and informative as well as promotional? 
  • 哪些帖子的参与度最高,为什么? 
  • What stands out the most on your account, the graphics or the copy?

A big well done If you’ve ticked all or even some of these boxes! 现在进入分析的下一步…


At this stage, you should have discovered all the good things about your position on social media. It’s now time to identify areas where your performance may be lacking. 用你的见解来回答以下问题:

  • 你的竞争对手在哪些方面做得比你好?
  • Do images receive similar, better, or worse engagement than videos?
  • 你是否经常发帖?? 
  • Where does your audience interact the most: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter? 
  • Have you received negative comments or messages on any platforms? 是什么引发了这些反应?? 
  • Do your analytics reveal anything interesting about posts that didn’t perform well?


A 辛苦的工作 分析 is a convenient way to discover the 机会 available to you on social media. At this step, you may be thinking about future campaigns and potential growth. 这里有一些想法供你探索:

  • 什么样的社交媒体趋势可能对你的品牌有益? 你如何使用这些内容去瞄准你的用户? 
  • 你是否在使用最新的社交媒体工具? Consider popular features such as Instagram reels, TikTok lives, and Facebook shopping.
  • Does your brand have the potential to build an online community? Consider working with a like-minded influencer who may improve your social visibility.
  • 你一直只关注有机产品吗? 如果是这样,你可能需要考虑一个 缴纳社会 策略. 


In the online world of business, there will always be potential threats. 即使它们现在看起来无关紧要, it’s important to be aware so that you can prepare an effective solution. 想想…… 

  • Changes to any social media algorithms that may impact your online visibility.
  • 新的和即将到来的竞争对手. 你将如何竞争??
  • 取消关注者:你如何说服你的用户保持忠诚?
  • 过度饱和或垂死的市场:你如何维持兴趣?  


一旦你完成了研究, you can then use your results to create an effective social media 策略. 事情是这样的……


现在你知道什么最有效了, you can further amplify your strengths by making them an essential part of your social media 策略. 

例如, your top posts might be Instagram reels, yet you have only published a few. To improve your performance, you should now try to incorporate more videos into your weekly 策略.


After you have identified your weak spots, it’s important that you create a plan to improve. 俗话说,你从错误中学习!

例如, if you own a female clothing brand but your insights reveal a 60% male audience, you may want to consider working with a relevant fashion blogger.


是时候试水了! After you have discovered potential 机会 on social media, consider doing a test run.

例如,你可能想把一个新的重点放在 Facebook的广告 而不是有机成分. 当你分析结果时, 你可能会发现它在参与方面是有效的, ROI, 或两个! 取决于结果, you can then begin to experiment with new objectives and create a successful 缴纳社会 策略.


We recommend always planning ahead, even if the risks seem to be a big ‘what if’. This will allow you to respond effectively when, or ‘if’, it becomes a serious issue.

例如, you may notice that a few people have unfollowed you after your latest post. By keeping on top of the numbers, you can begin to understand your audience better.

结果出来了! 进行社交媒体辛苦的工作分析的终极指南!

