

好消息是,任何人都可以从中分一杯羹. 然而, don’t make the mistake of thinking Amazon Search success is a get-rich-quick scheme.

亚马逊是在线零售领域竞争最激烈的领域之一, but these 11 Amazon search hacks will help you climb to the top of the pile.

1. 使用亚马逊热门关键词

Just like selling with Google Ads or making sure your web 页面s rank high with the best SEO optimisation, 关键字 成为一名成功的亚马逊卖家的关键是什么.

You’ll notice that many Amazon listings read very chaotically as if the seller has tried to cram in as many words as possible. 事实上,这正是他们正在做的.

Trending 关键字 can prove very helpful in ensuring your product shows up high in customers’ Amazon search results.

Think about the features and benefits that differentiate your product from others that shoppers might be searching for. 将这些术语添加到您的产品描述中以丰富它们.

想要进一步提升你的亚马逊产品描述? Online tools can generate trending 关键字 that are relevant to your product, helping you to attract more high-intent potential buyers and increase your sales.

2. 翻译你的亚马逊产品描述

One virtue of selling with Amazon is opening up your reach to a global audience. 然而, simply shipping globally isn’t enough to make audiences around the world choose your product over someone else’s.

Target global audiences by expanding your product descriptions beyond English 关键字. 翻译 all necessary information about your product into the languages relevant to the markets you are targeting.

确保你的翻译是正确和准确的. 也许值得雇一个 专业亚马逊翻译 who really knows their stuff to maximise the potential of your global listings.


3. 保持你的亚马逊卖家评级

As every seller on every online platform should know, public reviews are everything. Social proof can be the final decision-making factor when it comes to a consumer choosing your product over another.

说到亚马逊的搜索结果, 你会发现首页上的每个卖家都有一个评级 90%或以上. This makes that positive feedback essential to your continued performance.

Optimise your product descriptions to provide the most accurate information to the customer, 避免失望或买家后悔.

We also recommend that you encourage your customer to leave you feedback if they are happy with their purchase. Perhaps include a helpful flyer telling them how to do this in their package.

4. 关注亚马逊分析

Like selling anywhere else, understanding data is essential to your performance as an Amazon seller. 跟踪客户数据, 竞争对手的数据, 还有你的销售额, 利润率, 转化率, 交通, 表现的关键字, 更多的使用 亚马逊商业报告.

This information is valuable for knowing which products are performing well and not so well. You should then tailor your Amazon marketing strategy accordingly, improving products that have poor reviews or lack of success due to poor keyword optimisation.

5. 使用亚马逊供应商提供的优惠券

Amazon’s built-in promotion tool is called vendor-powered coupons. These are available for use by individual sellers with a Pro Merchant account, 专业卖家和供应商, and allow you to discount your items more competitively than other sellers. 以最具竞争力的价格, you may only have to discount your products by a very slim margin.

亚马逊最精明的购物者总是密切关注 亚马逊每日特惠 页面. Use vendor-powered coupons to get a coveted spot on this 页面 and get your product seen by more bargain-hunting eyes.


6. 赢得亚马逊“购物箱”

你们可能很熟悉 亚马逊购物箱,不管你知道与否. 此框出现在产品页面的右侧, 比较同一产品的第三方列表. 待在“买盒”里可以不费苦心地实现更多的销售.


  • Make sure your product’s Amazon Standard Identification Number matches that of the product for which you want to appear in the Buy Box.
  • Keep your prices lower than competitors, even if it’s just by a few pence.
  • 使用亚马逊实现快速和可靠的航运.

7. 获得亚马逊畅销书徽章

展示令人垂涎的“亚马逊的畅销书” badge immediately jump out to every consumer as a safe-bet purchase through the power of social proof.

徽章是按类别对类别颁发的, which means you can optimise your chances of winning one by selecting your product’s category carefully. Try to choose one that is easier to rank for, with less competition. 然而, avoid choosing an irrelevant category or risk your product not being seen by its intended audience.

8. 获得亚马逊的选择徽章

Another badge that’s sure to give your Amazon seller business a boost is the “Amazon’s Choice” badge. 这标志着您的产品被平台正式认可, making them appear more trustworthy and therefore better than other options, 不管价格是否略高.


  • 您的产品符合亚马逊Prime配送资格.
  • You have a strong review rate, indicating satisfied, trusting and engaged consumers.
  • 回报率很低.

9. 投放亚马逊赞助广告

与所有在线销售平台一样, putting your money where your mouth is is a surefire way of getting your products seen and purchased.

Amazon sponsored ads make your products the first seen in relevant consumer search results. Sponsored products are always displayed at the top of search results or in clearly marked and eye-catching banners throughout.

亚马逊赞助的广告是按点击付费的, 这意味着你只会在广告发挥作用时支付广告费用, reaching a relevant consumer and boosting your visibility and sales.

