
7 Black Friday Stats You Need to Know

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和, in the blink of an eye, we find ourselves suddenly catapulted into the chaos of Q4 *synchronised shudders*.

If, like us, you like to stay ahead of the game with Black Friday prepping, you’re in luck! We’ll be here to fill you in on everything you need to know during the shopping season, 无论是 Expert Tips for a Successful Black Friday or the need-to-know stats! 让我们开始吧!

What is Black Friday?

Falling on the Friday after Thanksgiving, Black Friday started as an American holiday but swiftly caught on and became a globally recognised event. 近年来, its popularity has increased, officially marking the beginning of the shopping season!

💸 88 million consumers made a purchase online on Black Friday

Last year, over 88 MILLION people in the US made an online purchase on Black Friday alone. Each year, the amount of online shoppers increases. 相比之下,66.5 Americans chose to shop in-store!

📈 Each person spends an average of $430 

Last year, the average American spent $430 over Black Friday. 而 在英国, the average woman spent £243 and the average man spent £349 across Black Friday and Cyber Monday!

近年来, the average spending has increased dramatically because of the increasing popularity of Black Friday. More and more people are likely to shop for upcoming holidays such as Christmas and purchase gifts at a reduced price than wait until nearer the time to purchase.

📦 Amazon contributed to 24.销售额的2%

Pandemic giant Amazon is no stranger to Black Friday. In fact, last year alone, Amazon contributed to 24.黑色星期五的2% 销售- an 增长53% in sales from previous years. On Amazon Prime Day (2021), the renowned retailer hit $11.20亿年 in sales, and studies predict this Black Friday will create even higher revenue!

🛍 Over 64% of Purchases were Impulse Buys!

黑色星期五期间, it’s estimated that over 64% of all purchases are impulse buys - that’s over two-thirds of shoppers! However, there’s also a high influx of cancellations and returns. In a study, it was found that 63% of impulse purchases are either cancelled or returned. 

🛒 Men are More Likely to Spend Than Women

A study found that men are more likely to spend more during the Black Friday period than women. It’s estimated that 88%的男性 plan to make a Black Friday or Cyber Monday purchase, compared to 85% of women.

💬 53% of Millenials Participate in Black Friday

While most generations are drawn to a good deal, Millennials are expected to spend the most! It’s estimated that 53% of millennials participate in Black Friday, making them the biggest generational spenders.

📱On Average, 39% of Sales are Made Through a Smartphone

During the Black Friday period, roughly 39% of sales are made through a smartphone! Our top tip for e-commerce brands is to make sure your website is optimised for mobile use. With smartphone users increasing, it’s worth adapting your Black Friday strategy to mobile marketing by focusing on SMS campaigns and app exclusive offers!

和 there you have it, our need-to-know stats for Black Friday!

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