
寻找提升网页设计的灵感? 这里有一些简单的注意事项 专业网页设计 to help you improve the look and experience of your website today.


We’re an agency built on an appreciation for graphic design,  so we know it can be really tempting to implement new features on your site based on the simple fact that they look good. However, overcomplicating your site design can actually have negative affects.

When you think about some of the greatest design feats in the world, 以苹果iPhone的用户界面为例, 有一件事非常清楚. Simplicity is best and less is less when it comes to user-friendliness. Asking yourself what purpose each design element serves for your user is going to make you evaluate the reasons for each design choice, and make sure you avoid including parts that are based purely on your own tastes and that aren’t there to serve the user.



So we’ve established the need to always prioritise your customer’s needs first and foremost in design, 如何将这一原则应用于客户旅程? 简单地说, the journey between landing on your homepage and checking out should be as simple as possible. Additional steps will cause lower conversation rates since it becomes harder for the customer to navigate to the checkout, therefore you need to always make sure every part of your funnel is well-though out and purposeful.

In addition to ensuring that the actual number of pages in the customer journey is kept to a minimum, there’s some work you can be doing to help improve conversion rates through the design of each step. 使用分析工具 Hotjar to review how users interact with every page on your website, 并对您的设计工作进行数据驱动的更改. Those changes could be anything from making your CTA on a certain page more visible or picking up on elements that aren’t clickable and yet are attracting clicks (as a general rule of thumb, any clickable button should have a border and also change colour when highlighted or clicked on in order to communicate to the user how to interact with the design element.)通过审查用户每天如何与你的网站互动, you’re going to have a website designed for the actual customers who are landing on your site as opposed to a persona you may have slightly wrong.


If you’re looking to increase the revenue for your business, 使用你的网页设计来鼓励更高的转换值. You can do this by adding in elements such as a ‘related items’ to showcase to the user which products or services go hand in hand with the item they might be interested in. Imagine it like the aisle of goodies just next to the tills in a shop, your website can also advertise additional value adding products at each step of the funnel right up until checkout. 这将提升你的整体转化价值, simply through the power of some well-thought out web design!


你知道吗? 我们经常以F字形浏览网页? 我们从F的顶部水平开始, 往后移动, 顺着字母的形状向下等等. Commonly designers might joke that the F stands for fast… because that’s exactly how people are reviewing your content. Knowing the F shape is a common scanning pattern can help you to better understand the visual hierarchy needed in order to get your most important points across in the precious few seconds you have to engage a user when they land on your site.

So, make the best use of your F shape by using visual elements that are simple to understand and put across your point visually in no time at all! Some examples of how this could be done include using very minimal copy, or by using iconography. Iconography is a fantastic way to visually explain the process of your business in a few simple steps, so is well worth implementing on your site if you don’t already.

在本文中, we’ve spoken about some ways in which you can upgrade your website design in no time at all. One of the biggest bits of advice we can give you is to always ensure that you have an 经验丰富的专业平面设计师 to create stunning visuals, and to make changes to your site based on the data you have. Not only is leaving your website design to a non-designer going to be time-consuming, but it’s also going to disadvantage your business right from the start. 相反, 与像我们这样的设计师合作 to ensure that the quality of your site matches the quality of your business  effortlessly. We hope this article inspired you to have a look through your site today and reflect on the choices behind each design element!


