


Templated websites are pre-designed themes that offer a ready-made layout and functionality. 考虑高级WordPress或Shopify主题. You pay for something that’s maybe a little more expensive than the free ones, 但仍然可以买到任何人想要它.



Bespoke websites are tailor-made from scratch to meet specific brand requirements, 提供完全的设计控制, 特性, 以及用户体验. 想要一只独角兽从你的网站中间飞过? 或者养老金计算器? 在你想要的地方拥有你想要的东西的能力? 就当是完成了.


If you have a limited budget (probably under about £5k), you might opt for a templated site. 作为一家初创企业,它会让你前进. One of these sites will save you time and money as the core of its layout and functionality is already built, with the time mainly involved in building out the pages and changing the branding colours and logos. 如果你时间不够,这些网站的建设时间也会少得多.


尽管有优势, there are several reasons why templated websites may not be such a good idea for your brand:

  • 首先,unoriginality. 如前所述,任何人都可以购买相同的模板. If it’s a template, it’s not distinctly you, which could dilute your brand’s identity.
  • 其次,太多未使用的功能会使你的网站变慢. WordPress themes are packed with 特性 and functionalities that you are unlikely ever going to use, 但仍在后台加载.
  • 第三, template customisations can be far more difficult than building it the way you want it to start with. Adding additional bespoke functionality on top of the website theme can be a lot more complicated and time consuming, 这意味着未来开发工作的报价将会更高. 开发人员可能难以适应主题的编码结构, 导致未来开发工作的成本增加.
  • 最后,持续成本也可能高得令人难以置信. Most templated themes require annual payments to the theme company for updates and support. 这些额外的开支会随着时间的推移而积累, 从长远来看,使模板网站的成本效益降低.



如果你现在还没有意识到,我们都是定制网站. 但是为什么? 我们喜欢从零开始构建的主要原因是什么?

  • 从品牌的角度来看, 我们可以保证品牌, motion and design are all reflective of the brand and the exact needs of the business. It will be uniquely you, from the way that it moves to the way your users navigate from page to page. 当我们谈论品牌的时候, 我们告诉人们,每一个接触点都是你品牌的反映, 你的网站也不例外.
  • 速度. 如果你的网站只建立了你需要的元素, 不会出现额外的代码膨胀, 最终使网站更快.
  • 控制. 一个定制的网站, 你可以更好地控制安全措施, ensuring that your site remains protected against potential vulnerabilities. 这是通过主机和网站代码实现的.



对于一个新网站来说,这并不是“启动它然后离开它”的情况。. 它将一直在变化和适应. A bespoke site can grow and adapt with your business, as it will have been built with change in mind. A more generic website might need replacing completely at key points in your business development. 随着时间的推移,这可能会变得代价高昂. So even if the initial costs of bespoke website design are higher than you might pay for a template design, 从中长期来看,这可能更具成本效益. 记得你爸爸常说的话吗,买便宜的,买两次? 事实证明他是对的……



WordPress为我们提供了构建CMS的模块, 哪一个允许客户继续编辑他们的网站. WordPress是一个免费的开源CMS, which means there are thousands of developers who maintain and add 特性 on a regular basis to ensure that it is fit for purpose, has the necessary security 特性/updates and has over 50k plugins available too, 这意味着你可以扩展你的网站的功能. 也, WordPress is the most commonly used CMS on the planet (810 million websites), 所以很多人都熟悉管理领域. The admin area is also really user-friendly, meaning very little training is needed. 开发人员还可以快速添加新的部分和功能.



The cost of a bespoke website can vary widely depending on how many pages you require and what you require those pages to do. 一般来说, you will pay more for a bespoke website than you would for a more generic, 现成的网站,然后定制. It’s like the difference between purchasing kitchen units from a DIY store, 或者拥有由木匠定制的单元. The latter will cost you more but are likely to be of a much higher quality.

While there’s no fixed costs for a bespoke website you would be unlikely to pay less than  £5,一个非常基本的网站. 在大多数情况下, 定制商业网站的费用可能从5英镑起,000英镑,可能涨到30英镑,000用于具有高度详细功能的复杂站点. 这篇文章 在接下来的几段中,更多地探讨了定价问题.

If your website doesn’t contain many pages and only contains basic content such as text and images and perhaps video or basic animation, 它将趋向于价格范围的低端. 更大的, 更复杂的网站, particularly those featuring bespoke e-commerce platforms will cost considerably more. For the website of a national or international brand, costs may even begin in six figures.

你选择谁来创建你的网站也会影响价格. Freelancers operating on their own are likely to charge less than a comprehensive web 设计机构. The latter will however have a range of specialist professionals available to help create the best possible website for your business.

It’s worth remembering that your website represents a considerable investment for your business and it will play a key part in its overall success. It’s therefore worth considering if it’s really wise cutting corners for the sake of a relatively small sum of money.



If you’ve decided that a bespoke business website is the right option for your business then you might be wondering where you go from here. 首先, take some time to consider how you would like your website to look and what you would like it to do. Are there competitor websites that you particularly like or any that you don’t think work particularly well? 你希望你的网站如何脱颖而出?




Then you will need to find a website design company that you feel you can work with. 看看他们的 已完成工作组合 并询问它们是如何工作的. 在开发过程中是否有足够的空间让客户输入?

The experienced team at Dawn Creative can create a bespoke website design that makes a real impact. Don’t settle for a generic online presence when we can make your brand really stand out.

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