

你的商业网站必须做很多跑腿的工作. 这取决于你所从事的业务类型, it will be a shop window for your products and services and will likely be the first impression people will have of your brand.


It therefore needs to combine high levels of functionality with real impact in terms of design. 你如何确保你的网站做了你需要它做的工作?

而模板, or ‘off-the-shelf’ websites can offer a quick and affordable way to get your business website live they are by their nature limited and are often generic.

While a template style website might allow you to tick the box marked ‘create website’, it’s unlikely to add much in the way of value to your brand and it won’t make you stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Bespoke websites are an alternative and in the long-term it can be more cost-effective.


A truly bespoke website is one that is designed and created with a specific client and an intended purpose in mind. If, 例如, 你在经营一个音乐场所, bespoke website design would create a website that reflected the branding of your venue. 它还可以实现告知人们你的地点的目的, 接下来会发生什么,提供购买门票的设施吗. 这将根据场地的具体需求量身定制.

Alternatively, the venue owners might opt for a template website that’s more generic. While this may initially be cheaper it won’t reflect the venue’s brand identity to the same degree and may not offer the same level of required functionality as a bespoke option.


There are a number of benefits to opting for a bespoke website for your business but you have to be clear what it is you’re purchasing. Often some website design companies will have developed a set of generic templates which are then modified to include information, logos and other components that are specific to the company that commissioned the website. 然后这些东西被当作定制的东西出售,而实际上它们根本不是定制的.

A genuine bespoke website design creates a website from scratch specifically for a business. It will be created with the specific needs of your business in mind and will incorporate aspects that you require to operate your business whether that be contact forms or an online shop.

一个定制的网站将是独一无二的,不会看起来很普通. 最终,你将保留对网站外观和感觉的100%控制权. It gives you the maximum freedom to create and develop an online presence without limitations.

以及你的网站看起来如何, it also allows you to control how your site performs on other devices such as mobiles. With web browsing increasingly taking place on handheld devices rather than desktops this is key. Search engine algorithms take account of how a site performs on different devices before including it prominently in search results, 因此,响应性和速度至关重要.

A bespoke site can also grow and adapt with your business so you’re not limited by standardised templates. A more generic website might need replacing completely at key points in your business development. 随着时间的推移,这可能会变得代价高昂. So even if the initial costs of bespoke website design are greater than you might pay for a template design, 从中长期来看,这可能更具成本效益.


The cost of a bespoke website can vary widely depending on how many pages you require and what you require those pages to do. 一般来说, 你将支付更多的定制网站比你会为一个更通用, 现成的网站,然后定制. 这就像从DIY商店购买厨房设备一样, 或者拥有由木匠定制的单元. 后者将花费你更多,但可能是一个更高的质量.

While there’s no fixed costs for a bespoke website you would be unlikely to pay less than £1,000 to £2,一个非常基本的网站. 在大多数情况下, 定制商业网站的费用可能从3英镑起,000英镑,可能涨到30英镑,000用于具有高度详细功能的复杂站点.

If your website doesn’t contain many pages and only contains basic content such as text and images and perhaps video or basic animation, 它将趋向于价格范围的低端. 更大的, 更复杂的网站, particularly those featuring bespoke e-commerce platforms will cost considerably more. For the website of a national or international brand, costs may even begin in six figures.

你选择谁来创建你的网站也会影响价格. Freelancers operating on their own are likely to charge less than a comprehensive web design agency. The latter will however have a range of specialist professionals available to help create the best possible website for your business.

It’s worth remembering that your website represents a considerable investment for your business and it will play a key part in its overall success. It’s therefore worth considering if it’s really wise cutting corners for the sake of a relatively small sum of money.


If you’ve decided that a bespoke business website is the right option for your business then you might be wondering where you go from here. 首先, take some time to consider how you would like your website to look and what you would like it to do. Are there competitor websites that you particularly like or any that you don’t think work particularly well? 你希望你的网站如何脱颖而出?

Then you will need to find a website design company that you feel you can work with. 看看他们的 已完成工作组合 并询问它们是如何工作的. 在开发过程中是否有足够的空间让客户输入?

The experienced team at Dawn Creative can create a bespoke website design that makes a real impact. Don’t settle for a generic online presence when we can make your brand really stand out.

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