
3 Fundamental Leadership Skills All Managers Need in 2023!

As managers continue 他们的 steady forward march through the shifting realities of the new business environment, here and now seems like the perfect place and time to consider the leadership fundamentals needed for success in an ever-evolving landscape.  

Trophy-laden athletes, artists, and chefs establish strong foundational fundamentals to shine. 管理和领导也不例外.

Let’s generalise for a moment and think of 2022’s managerial pursuits as post-pandemic Phase 1. 2023’s Phase 2 then offers an opportunity for leaders to further shed remnants of pandemic rust, 为今天装备, 为明天做好准备. 然而,近年来的情况令人眼花缭乱. It stands to reason that many of us are uncertain of the requisite competencies for success in today’s business world.

Whether you have been in a position of influence for 10 years or 10 minutes, taking time to deliberately hone your leadership and management craft will serves you in the moment and across your career.”

We hope this month’s recommendations offer food for thought on just a few of the building blocks for modern-day leadership success.


Critical thinking skills help us to understand ourselves, 我们的思想, 这反过来又有助于建立更好的关系. This misunderstood skill helps us to avoid over simplistic explanations and to quote Dale Carnegie’s Global Research Team,

the respectful examination of diverse perspectives without fear or bias.”

Leadership success rests in large part on the quality of our decisions. Multiple sources agree that critical thinking has become a crucial contemporary skill in both life and business. 事实上, a World Economic Forum study showed that employers see critical thinking as the top skill group to rise in prominence up to 2025.

我们的研究小组确定, “When employees are skilled at critical thinking, they are better equipped to contribute to well-considered solutions to help steer 他们的 organisations through the rough waves of change, making the organisations they work for better at navigating — and succeeding in — the new normal and beyond.”

The great news is that critical thinking is not exclusively an ability of scientists, 首席执行官们, 和学者. It is a learnable skill that can be encoded through practise.

Download our whitepaper 批判性思维: The Essential Skill for Navigating the Future to learn the five phases for critical thinking and a deeper dive on this fascinating subject.


敏捷性是快速业务变化的关键. 官僚主义, 缓慢的过程, 国内政治, 长期决策, 筒仓, 缺乏对领导的信任(双向), and poor communications are all natural inhibitors for agility. These and similar common challenges all sit under the leadership purview.

敏捷性与我们的行动能力有关, 是适应性强, 负责任的, 创新, 在不断的变化中保持弹性. 正如我们的研究人员所说,

敏捷性 involves seeking out new information and embracing continuous change in a collaborative way – without resistance, 偏见或怨恨.”

组织al agility sits firmly underneath clear organisational purpose. Its components are a blend of tools and processes, 社会智力, 和弹性, combined with the capacity for leaders to take take meaningful action.

敏捷性在心理安全中茁壮成长, and agile leadership stimulates freedom to transform and innovate.

To understand the building blocks for organisational and leadership agility, download our whitepaper The New Competitive Divide: Building the Foundation for Organizational 敏捷性.


Strong leadership is a bedrock for employee engagement and empowerment. 考虑到大流行, 由此导致远程工作的大量增加, 还有“大辞职”, we could be forgiven for thinking these are fashionable skills. 现实是, the capacity to engage and empower have long been essential elements of a good leader’s toolkit.

Positive cultures are borne of quality relationships with emotionally intellectual leaders, 对高级管理人员的信任和信念, 明确的组织目标和方向.

Given the vital role leaders play in engagement, 我们采用这些工具是至关重要的, training and support we need to drive a positive culture where our colleagues feel emboldened, 动态, 并且和他们的经理有联系, 他们的, 团队, 以及他们的组织.

A scarcity of engagement negatively impacts retention, which can have a disastrous knock-on effect for productivity, 团队文化, 底线是. 情感上的熟练, 具有社会智慧的领导者, who operate in an environment of trust and psychological safety, 清晰地沟通, 有效地倾听, 积极支持和发展他们的团队, 是文化和商业成功的关键.

Download our whitepaper Engage and Retain Empowered Employee for a practical guide on the emotional and organisational drivers for engagement.

