
与竞争与市场管理局数字市场部门合作, 致力于促进数字市场的竞争和创新.

十大网博靠谱平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. 本周我们将与Aaron Khan进行对话, Assistant Director in the Competition and Markets Authority's Digital Markets Unit (DMU), 总部设在大十大网博靠谱平台.

你的组织是做什么的? 解释CMA和数字市场部门(DMU)的作用? 

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is the UK’s competition and consumer regulator. 确保公平竞争和市场运转良好, 所以创新企业才能蓬勃发展, and consumers benefit with real choice and value for money; is at the heart of what we do. 促进竞争的同时, we help people and businesses by tackling unfair behaviour like unfair terms and misleading, 错误的说法. 

The Digital Markets Unit (DMU) is a new unit within the CMA which aims to promote greater competition and innovation in digital markets. It will oversee and enforce a new pro-competition regime for a small group of the most powerful digital firms. This regime is being put in place via legislation which was introduced to Parliament last month, 叫做数字市场, 《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》.  

The powers included in the Bill will give the CMA the ability to work in a faster and more targeted way to improve competition and foster opportunities for innovation in digital markets. 例如, they will allow the CMA to set targeted and proportionate conduct requirements for the most powerful digital firms to ensure other businesses aren’t at risk of being exploited and excluded, 并保护用户免受不公平条款和受限选择的影响. 


Tell us about your role in the Digital Markets Unit and how you have found your move to the CMA’s Manchester office? 

我目前是数字市场部门的助理总监. I work in a team which supports and advises government on establishing the new pro-competition regime for digital markets. 我和我的团队与CMA的同事们一起工作,包括经济学家, lawyers and data specialists – to provide key insights to government to inform decisions about the shape of the regime.  

我喜欢在DMU工作的原因是工作令人着迷且引人注目. I am also very fortunate to work with excellent colleagues: we are a friendly and supportive team, 热衷于通过我们在数字市场的工作做出改变. We have some exciting upcoming opportunities to work in the DMU (I’ve mentioned these below)! 

我最近从伦敦搬到了十大网博靠谱平台. 之前, 我的妻子在十大网博靠谱平台出生长大,所以我和妻子已经是这里的常客了, and I’m enjoying working in the city and exploring as it’s a great place with a vibrant atmosphere. 我们的第一个孩子就要出生了,为了离家人更近,我们搬回来了, 我们真的很期待在这里养家糊口. I work from home on some days 和 the other days will head into the CMA’s Manchester office. The office is well located and it is great to be able to catch up with other colleagues in person.  



我认为这是澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台CMA和数字市场部门的一个激动人心的时刻. We offer the opportunity to influence the shape of future regulation of digital markets.  

The DMU is currently hiring for a range of roles to support our work to prepare for the new regime. We recently launched recruitment for 20 roles  – available across all our offices in the UK, 包括十大网博靠谱平台——更多十大网博靠谱平台这些职位的信息可以在这里找到: 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台CMA的数字市场部门 (本轮申请将于2023年6月6日至14日截止) 

在这一轮招聘结束后, 我们仍然希望听到有兴趣在DMU工作的人的声音. 如果是你或者你觉得有兴趣的人,请 在这里注册. 

更广泛地说, CMA致力于政府的增长场所议程, 希望在英国各地招募和留住有才华的同事. CMA最近在十大网博靠谱平台建立了新的数字中心, 我们希望到2025年拥有200名员工. 我们最近还在达灵顿开设了一个办事处, 并增加了在贝尔法斯特的存在, 卡迪夫和爱丁堡.  



We want to hear from people with a diverse range of backgrounds and skills – people who may have experience working in digital markets, 或者使用数据和技术, 或者可能有研究, 政策, 监管, 项目管理, 法律或经济技能. 有趣的角色比比皆是! 

在我们目前的DMU扩展之外, the CMA has a lot of teams working in exciting fields and we are seeking skills and experience in a range of areas including law, 经济学, 政策, 监管和管理. 你可以在我们的 职业页面 or LinkedIn生活页面 



Digital markets are important to the CMA, we identified them as an area of focus in our 年度计划我们已经在这方面做了很多工作. 例如, 我们正在调查 苹果在开发者进入App Store方面的行为 并监督实施 与谷歌就在线隐私问题达成的补救措施 

我们也在数字技术的前沿工作, 例如, 和我们在CMA数据部门的同事一起, 我们最近宣布了一个技术和分析部门 人工智能模型综述 

此外,我们的消费者保护工作 虚假网上评论 和 社交媒体影响者的隐藏广告 are examples of how our work in digital markets benefit consumers by tackling behaviours that harm them directly. 



CMA承认大十大网博靠谱平台是一个充满活力的地区, which represents a diverse cross-section of business industry types (from digital to tourism/hospitality, 从农村到城市). 特别是, the region has an exciting digital sector and great academic institutions which are producing important research in this field. 我们期待继续在该地区进行接触.   



The CMA is a non-ministerial government department and therefore part of the Civil Service, 这意味着员工可以享受广泛的员工福利, 包括:公务员退休金计划, 慷慨的年假和灵活的工作以及其他福利. 


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