
Personalising The User’s Experience With Data-Driven 阴极射线示波器

个性化你的网站也提高了用户对你的网站和品牌的整体体验, as you look to make their journey 更多的 tailored and specific to their individual needs. 

在这个博客中, we take a look at defining what personalisation actually is, how you can use it within an effective 阴极射线示波器 strategy, and how you can make use of internally-held, commercial data to ensure it delivers results.


When it comes to the user’s experience with your site, 客户现在期望一定程度的定制或定制,以满足他们的具体要求. 

我们不想为了找到我们想要的特定产品而在产品页面上搜索, 我们也不想输入我们之前已经提交过的大量个人信息——我们希望品牌能记住我们之前的使用体验, and then make subsequent interactions quicker and 更多的 relevant. In a nutshell, that’s what personalisation is. 

如果网站在提供更加量身定制的服务方面取得进展,用户更有可能转换, 个性化的体验. 

By showing them the most relevant content first, or by removing products or content that we know they’re not interested in, we deliver a much smoother, 对用户来说,更简单的旅程——对他们来说是一种积极的体验——但也增加了他们与他们正在寻找的内容互动的可能性, 反过来, go onto convert or purchase.


大多数网站现在匿名收集大量十大网博靠谱平台用户如何参与各种页面或内容的数据. Traditionally this is used by web analysts to understand popular pages, and investigate under-performing pages, but very rarely is it used to tailor the experience for individual users. 

As you are already collecting this data, 利用这些数据为回头客量身定制用户体验并不是一项艰巨的任务.

电子商务网站, 了解用户之前购买过哪些产品,并向他们展示相关产品,是个性化用户体验的简单方法. If a user has bought active or sportswear from a clothes store for example, 然后向用户展示该类别中的类似商品,这是一个很好的方式,可以让他们以良好的状态开始下一次访问, 通过展示它们的相关性, related products that we know that they have an interest in.

另外, 改善用户体验的一个简单而有效的策略是,优先为刚刚购买产品的用户提供教育或信息内容. 例如, on a car insurance website, 如果我们知道用户可能会在购买保单后1-2周再次访问以再次检查他们的文档, then we can prioritise content towards the top of the page about their policy documents, or how to check the level of cover they took out. 这确保了我们不会浪费用户的时间,向他们发送购买新保单或广告的信息——我们知道他们已经有了保单——相反,我们可以通过将他们带到他们可能在回访时寻找的文件和信息内容来改善他们的体验.

如果你现在考虑你的业务和你的网站——问问你自己,如何才能更好地为回头客提供个性化服务? Could information be displayed differently, or prioritised to be 更多的 relevant? 您是否可以利用用户提交的任何信息来简化后续访问? 几乎所有的品牌, 答案是肯定的,” and there will be an opportunity to experiment with personalisation.

How Can We Use Data To Shape Our Personalisation Efforts?

Personalisation begins with data. It’s all about understanding your customers or visitors, 并且对他们要找的东西有一个坚实的理解——同样重要的是, what they’re not looking for - when they come back to your site. 

The 更多的 we know about an individual user and their likely behaviour, the 更多的 we can do to tailor their experience. 

A good place to begin then is to ensure you have accurate, anonymised data collection on your site’s user behaviour. Whether this is through Google Analytics 4 or another tool entirely, 确保你了解用户在你的网站上的行为是很重要的,并且你能够根据第一次访问的人来划分, 返回的游客, 之前的买家, 等.

我们也建议你从小处着手——个性化并不意味着要为回头客创建一个全新的网站. It can simply be about tailoring what you already have to be 更多的 specific to their needs, based upon your learnings. 

例如, 我们最近为已经为SaaS客户端注册了产品的用户实施了一个个性化实验. 而不是向他们展示传统的主页英雄,以促进客户的服务, 相反,我们使用这个空间来推广到“资源中心”的链接,用户可以在这里查看下载和如何开始使用该工具的指南. 

Personalisation can be 更多的 complex and nuanced too. 例如,针对回头客的婚礼场地客户的个性化实验. 这个实验可以利用客户的谷歌广告数据和活动设置来了解用户从哪里访问网站. 然后,你可以在网站上定制信息,向用户保证“[婚礼地点名称]-距离[城市]仅20分钟路程”。.” This reassures the visitor that the wedding venue might be right for them, as it’s within an acceptable radius. 

这只是定制网站内容以满足用户特定需求的两个例子, based upon what we can learn from user data that is already collected. Rather than have visitors return to the same homepage that we show to all users, 相反,我们可以个性化它,并向他们展示我们的数据显示他们将寻找的内容, or the questions we know they’re asking at this stage in the user journey.


个性化是一个令人难以置信的强大工具,在一个阴极射线示波器战略家的武器库中,它允许我们利用网站数据为我们的访问者提供实际的变化和改进. It provides us with an opportunity to further implement a customer-centric approach, which we know delivers a better user experience for our customers, 反过来, increases conversion rates.

Want to chat to one of our specialists about personalisation, or your 阴极射线示波器 strategy? 今天就十大网博靠谱平台.

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