
在聚光灯下-Business Stack, the expert support for small businesses in the UK

欢迎来到聚光灯下, a series where 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 interviews its members to shed light on their work within the digital and technology industry in Greater 十大网博靠谱平台.

在这个版本中, we have the pleasure of speaking with Peter de Bruyn - Smith, 伙伴关系主管 Business Stack.


Business Stack对不同的客户意味着不同的东西. To our large clients we are at the forefront of their fight for customer advocacy, 留存率和品牌忠诚度.

给中小企业客户, 我们是生命线——一个无风险的模块化支持平台, 为他们提供值得信赖的专业服务. 这包括从法律支持到人力资源, 会计及其他, 在动荡的经济环境下,这对小企业来说是无价的.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the digital and tech industry?

The rise and risk of Artificial Intelligence is at the forefront of every tech business's mind. AI has the potential to either revolutionise or decimate the digital and tech industries and Chat GPT4 is either causing concern or elation depending on your job role. 

Sundar Pichai, Alphabet Inc .和谷歌的首席执行官, has said worries about AI keep him up at night “the urge to work and deploy it in a beneficial way, but at the same time it can be very harmful if deployed wrongly”.

The ability of AI to automate tasks is music to the ears of the purse holders when it is implemented correctly, yet it will continue to cause concern to others in digital and tech teams whose jobs are put at risk. 


We’re really 箴ud of our continued partnership with one of the leading banks in the UK. 我们从2020年开始合作, we work well together as we’re both drivers of digital transformation and care deeply about customer experience.

Covid-19 unfortunately spelled the end for thousands of businesses, yet our partners transformative thinking revolutionised how they support their clients and we’re 箴ud of the work we’ve done together. They wanted to increase their support to their SME base so their clients didn’t just survive the pandemic and post covid turbulent economy, 但是他们成功了.

We worked with our partner to rebuild and relaunch their Business Stack offering, creating an easy to use platform that benefits their members. 通过业务栈, 180,000 SME and SOHO business banking customers now have instant access to multiple business modules, 建议和资源. The support that this 箴vides to their customers is immeasurable and the investment showcases how much our partner cares about their clients. 

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge going into 2023? 

像所有B2B企业一样, a predicted drop in revenue due to rising interest rates is a cause for concern. When businesses have to reduce overheads they often look at renegotiating with their suppliers and agencies, 或者完全放弃服务. 

幸运的是, this isn’t something we have much experience in at Business Stack, 因为我们成为了重要的合作伙伴, 与我们的客户快速,轻松地整合, 以减少公司的收入损失. 我们的平台帮助世界金融巨头, tech and telecoms to transform their ap箴ach to customer retention and advocacy, 确保在动荡时期, 他们的顾客依然忠诚. 

We have found our smaller clients are feeling the financial pinch more, which is why we offer fluid plans and frequent business health checks to all of our partners. 

What do you think the future looks like for 十大网博靠谱平台’s digital and tech sector?

I don’t think that the 十大网博靠谱平台 tech scene has ever looked brighter. We have world-leading and established tech companies like Peak AI, 是谁帮助十大网博靠谱平台超越了布鲁塞尔, 里斯本, Rome and Warsaw for tech startup hotspots and success stories. 

十大网博靠谱平台一直以创新而闻名, from the Suffragettes to the music scene and as a city we have now fallen in love with tech, 大于1,600家初创企业和规模扩大企业雇佣了大约70人,000人(足以在德比日填满老特拉福德)!).

If you go to any tech meetup in 十大网博靠谱平台 you will find an abundance of people who are willing to give advice and help you with business ideas - we’re a city of founders, 不是守门. 


我们的总部设在十大网博靠谱平台的迪恩斯盖特, 但我们的团队是全球性的, 生活和工作在世界各地. We’re part of a family of businesses and together we are revolutionising how the UK does business, 通过数字化转型, 自动化与人工智能. Our team is made up of a diverse bunch of people who really understand how businesses tick, 与企业创始人, 我们当中的合法CEO和前中小企业老板. 我们的办公室四周都是咖啡馆, bars and restaurants so we’re always open to meet new businesses to knowledge share - like many other 十大网博靠谱平台 businesses, 我们喜欢帮助别人成功. 

If you and your business are looking at increasing customer retention and creating additional revenue streams, as well as seeking business support for your SME customers please contact Peter at peter@businessstack.箴


