
Cambridge and Manchester launch new cross-UK innovation cluster to boost growth

A progressive new partnership between the innovation clusters in Cambridge and Manchester aims to boost investment in both cities and across the UK.

The link-up will draw on the strengths of both cities to help them accelerate the scale-up of businesses and create new local jobs in sectors critical to the UK's future prosperity.

创新剑桥, 由创始合伙人剑桥企业成立, Cambridge Innovation Capital and the University of Cambridge to champion the Greater Cambridge innovation ecosystem, 和ID十大网博靠谱平台, a joint venture between The University of Manchester and Bruntwood SciTech that is set to become a world-leading innovation district, are launching a strategic partnership to build on the existing links between the two science and tech hotspots.

这种合作, 从本月开始(2023年10月), 将十大网博靠谱平台快速发展的科技领域联系起来, 英国除伦敦和东南部以外最大的城市(数字、文化、媒体部 & 运动,2022)到剑桥已建立的生态系统, which last month (September 2023) was named the most intensive science and technological cluster in the world for a second year running by the Global Innovation Index.

尽管他们之间的地理距离, the two cities already have a close relationship in this space. Major science and tech firms co-locate in both city regions including life sciences giant AstraZeneca, 芯片设计公司Arm和全球流媒体平台Roku. The University of Cambridge and The University of Manchester have strong ties, including collaborating on major national research and development initiatives such as the Henry Royce Institute and the Productivity Institute. 投资界之间也有着紧密的联系, 剑桥天使队和十大网博靠谱平台天使队.

The ambitious collaboration has the backing of the mayors of Greater Manchester and Cambridgeshire & 彼得伯勒, 安迪·伯纳姆和尼克·约翰逊, as well as Manchester City Council leader Bev Craig and Cambridge City Council leader Mike Davey. The proposals also support the Government’s ambitions for the UK to become a science and tech superpower. The vision for the alliance is to ensure benefits are felt by local communities in both cities.

The first step in boosting links between the regions will include setting up physical hubs in both cities to strengthen and accelerate collaboration between researchers and entrepreneurs and act as a gateway to both ecosystems.

The partnership will also map the ecosystem of connections as it expands across academia, 商业和公民社会, 并与商业和贸易部合作, the government’s Office for Investment and local partners to identify options for attracting joint inward investment and co-location opportunities.

Underpinning the partnership is a shared commitment from both cities to an inclusive innovation-led growth agenda, 利用商业和政治领导力, 加速人工智能等关键领域的增长, 数码科技, 先进材料, 健康和生物技术. 这一伙伴关系将加速当地的经济增长, 地区和国家, 并将世界领先的研究成果转化为新的就业机会.

在剑桥, Manchester will find a hotbed of innovation and commercialisation, 有230家十亿美元的独角兽公司在这座城市诞生. The University of Cambridge is also the number one university in the world for producing successful tech founders, 领先于哈佛和麻省理工学院, with over 500 alumni founders raising more than $10 million in funding.

In Manchester, Cambridge will benefit from the dynamism of Manchester’s growing innovation ecosystem. Last year the city was recognised as the UK’s leading regional tech city (世邦魏理仕,2022) and it’s also home to the fastest-growing university spin-out population in the UK (Beauhurst 2023). The University of Manchester was recently named number 1 both in the UK and Europe, and second in the world for social and environmental impact (《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》,2023年). It’s also the most popular university in the UK for undergraduate applications (UCAS 2021 cycle), and the most targeted university by the UK’s leading employers (毕业生市场,2023年).

创新剑桥 was launched in 2022 as an ambitious Greater Cambridge initiative that aims to collectively agree on and define an inclusive vision for the future of Cambridge and its innovation ecosystem to be implemented over the next decade. ID Manchester will see The University of Manchester's former North Campus transformed into a 4 Million square foot innovation district, combining the University's world-class research strengths with the experience of Bruntwood SciTech, 布朗伍德和法务公司各占一半的合资公司 & General, in delivering connected science and technology infrastructure.

