


BOOKING.com, 世界领先的数字旅游公司之一, has welcomed 12 new software developers into its Manchester-based team as part of its ongoing partnership with Tech Returners, an organisation specialising in upskilling engineers to return to the tech industry after a career break.

BOOKING.com的旅游部门, 该公司将于今年晚些时候搬入其位于十大网博靠谱平台企业城(Enterprise City)价值1亿英镑的新家, has created the roles having sponsored its second cohort of candidates through Tech Returners’ ‘Your Return to Tech’ programme.

The 8-week course is designed and proven to tackle the industry's well-documented skills shortage and provide software developers - the majority of which are women - with a free route back to high-quality employment after a career break. 

The full-time appointments started in June and cover roles across the company’s Trips division, 包括其的士, 汽车, 保险和数据团队, 这是其业务大幅增长计划的一部分,在这个城市有1000多人的存在.

除了从技术角度更新和重新培训个人之外, 该计划还为每位参与者提供职业和心态方面的指导, drilling down into different skills and behaviours from how to rebuild confidence to interview preparation and practice.

到目前为止, the Tech Returners programme has placed more than 100 mid-level software developers into a range of UK-based organisations that value diversity in their technical teams, 包括《十大网博靠谱平台》, 戴蒙和BBC. 

马提亚斯·施密德,预订部高级副总裁.com Trips division said: “As the travel industry experiences a resurgence following the pandemic, we have ambitious plans to create a vast range of new roles to join the 300 skilled professionals we’ve already hired across our Trips team this year alone. 这座城市的世界级人才是我们称十大网博靠谱平台为家的关键原因. Working with progressive organisations like Tech Returners means we can provide a platform and career pathways for diverse talent to shine, deliver game-changing innovation and ultimately fly the flag for the local tech scene internationally.”

Beckie泰勒, CEO and Co-founder of Tech Returners commented: "As a team passionate about building diverse tech teams and supporting people to realise their potential, we are beyond proud to see another successful cohort of returners get back to their careers and back to themselves.

与预订这样的组织合作是一种荣幸.com, that are capable of seeing beyond the perceived stigma that accompanies a career break and that instead recognise the 专业知识, 这一人群为科技行业带来的技能和价值. We've seen time and time again that an opportunity is all someone needs to reignite their career in tech." 


BOOKING.com & 技术回归者案例研究- Shahzadi Saira Awan

Shahzadi Saira Awan是一名已经从这项计划中受益的员工, 谁在2021年10月澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台了Tech returns. She moved to the UK from Pakistan in 2018 and applied for refugee asylum in 2019 with her then 2 year old son. She spent much of her early time in England living in temporary accommodation as she sought asylum as a survivor of domestic abuse.

尽管拥有信息技术硕士学位, Shahzadi’s childcare responsibilities and visa requirements made it difficult for her to find full-time employment.

Shahzadi说:“我的难民身份意味着我在找工作时面临很多挑战. I worked in a number of voluntary roles but needed a job with an income to support myself and my son. 我知道我有令人满意的技术技能,但机会很难得到.”

“科技回归者”给了沙赫扎迪重返这个行业的机会. 她参加了这个课程, 哪个是免费的, in October 2021 and was offered a permanent role as a mid-level software developer at the end of the programme, which came on the same day as the approval of her asylum application to reside in the  UK as a permanent resident.

She continued: “Tech Returners helped me to refresh my skills and gave me the confidence to go back into the workplace. 自从我澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台了BOOKING.com团队六月, 他们对我的育儿需求很灵活,在各个方面都支持我. Recently I attended a conference in Amsterdam with my son – the small things make a big difference in making sure I can progress my career.

“It’s fantastic to see so many more people being given the opportunity to join the business through Tech Returners and I’m looking forward to working alongside my fellow cohort.”



1996年在阿姆斯特丹成立.com has grown from a small Dutch startup to 世界领先的数字旅游公司之一. 预订 Holdings Inc .的一部分. (NASDAQ: BKNG), 预订.Com的使命是让每个人都能更轻松地体验世界.

通过投资技术,帮助消除旅行中的摩擦,预订.Com为数百万旅行者提供难忘的体验, a range of transportation options and incredible places to stay - from homes to hotels and much more.  

As one of the world’s largest travel marketplaces for both established brands and entrepreneurs of all sizes, 预订.Com使世界各地的物业能够接触到全球受众并发展他们的业务.  

BOOKING.com is available in 44 languages and offers more than 28 million total reported accommodation listings, 包括6个以上.600万套房屋、公寓和其他独特的住宿地点. 无论你想去哪里或你想做什么,预订.Com使它变得简单,并支持它与24/7的客户支持. 



2017年在十大网博靠谱平台成立, Tech Returners is a scale-up organisation focused on providing skilled tech professionals with an inclusive opportunity to refresh their skills and return to a successful career in tech. Tech Returners is committed to removing the stigma and barriers which people face after a career break. Simultaneously the organisation tackles the digital skills shortage and lack of diversity in tech: In 2022, an average of 59% of participants completing the ‘Your Return to Tech’ programmes were women and 62% were people of colour. 


作为英国唯一面向个人的免费“重返科技”项目, the 8-week programme provides a positive and empowering environment and a proven route back into a technology career. 归国者提高新技术的技能, 发展现有的知识,并得到信心的支持, 职业和心态指导,为面试做好准备.


Tech Returners takes a technical and personal approach to supporting and re-skilling talented humans who bring value, 专业知识, 以及进步组织的多样性.

