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In The Spotlight - Autocab

十大网博靠谱平台数字,我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们在大十大网博靠谱平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Lucy Sunner, Head of Culture at Autocab, provider of booking & dispatch technology to the taxi and private hire industry. 

What does your organisation do?

Autocab是一家屡获殊荣的技术公司,提供软件即服务(SaaS)解决方案, primarily to the private hire and taxi industry. Headquartered in Cheadle, Greater Manchester, it operates in over 30 countries around the world and employs 150 people. 

它的预订和调度技术每天被客户使用超过100万次“旅行”, 而iGo网络则使出租车和私人租赁运营商能够将工作转交给其他公司,并完成第三方推荐的行程. 这有助于满足乘客需求,这意味着客户可以使用当地出租车公司的乘客应用程序在英国90%的地区预订出租车.

iGo also acts as a key facilitator for the business travel industry, 将分散的供需来源整合到一个平台上.

Autocab’s other offering is its Delivery Point app, which helps taxi firms connect with local businesses, such as takeaways and retailers, to offer a delivery service.    

优步于2021年收购了Autocab,优步应用将与iGo网络整合. The two technology companies are working together on the pilot of Local Cab, 它将直接使用优步应用的乘客与当地出租车和私人租车运营商联系起来.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the tech industry?

Recruitment. 整个行业都面临着一场危机,因为他们有很多空缺职位,而且市场上有很多优秀的候选人. 这给那些已经在这个行业工作的人带来了丰厚的薪水/福利,并造成了一个“旋转门”的局面,即需要的员工从一个职位跳到另一个职位——但这并没有解决短缺的问题. Tech companies, educational institutions, 此外,地方和中央政府必须更好地合作,以解决技能差距问题. 作为一个行业,我们需要考虑为希望进入更多技术岗位的员工提供(并支持)额外的培训,并广泛采用学徒计划,以确保下一代技术人员积累经验,并为这一增长做出贡献.

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?

Our biggest achievement is our Local Cab launch, 让英国各地的乘客通过优步应用程序预订当地出租车公司的行程. Local Cab is now live in over 22 locations across the UK including Oxford, Exeter, Bedford, Blackburn, Stockton-upon-Tees, Stranraer and many more. 

任何在这些地区打开优步应用程序的人都会看到“本地出租车”选项,该选项可以将乘客连接到当地出租车公司. 用户必须下载最新版本的应用程序才能看到本地出租车产品. 

为了满足这一需求,并使该应用程序能够在优步目前在英国运营的40个城镇之外使用, Uber is looking to work with local operators across the country, which is enabled through Autocab’s iGo technology.

More recently, Local Cab launched in Edinburgh, 优步与当地一家有执照的运营商合作,以满足爱丁堡对出租车的“高”需求. 该市的乘客现在可以通过优步与首都汽车公司联系,优步是爱丁堡合作伙伴中唯一一家出租车公司. 当预订乘车时,本地出租车选项将与包括UberX在内的其他选项一起出现, Exec, Comfort and Lux.

This has been a great achievement for the industry as a whole; helping generate incremental trips, 为现有司机创造额外收入,并招募新司机以满足需求.

The Autocab teamWhat would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?

One of the biggest challenges facing the industry is driver shortages. 随着英国各地对本地运营商的需求增加,出租车和私人租赁公司目前正面临着惊人的40%的司机缺口.

With a significant amount of work lost during the pandemic, many drivers have made the switch to other industries, leaving a huge gap in the taxi and private hire industry. And with some firms getting close to pre-pandemic levels, it’s been difficult for the industry to fulfil the demand. 

To help with this, 我们制作了一系列电子书和指南,帮助解决司机短缺问题,增加司机招聘, and we continue to focus our strategy on improving this ongoing issue.  

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s tech sector?

Incredibly bright. 每周都有新公司成立,已经成立的公司也在成长——其最终结果是,现在是澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台十大网博靠谱平台科技行业的最佳时机——十大网博靠谱平台不再是“伦敦的北方兄弟”,而是一个由繁荣的城市组成的目的地, innovative and globally-recognised companies that are changing the world.

Tell us something that we might not know about your company?

Although now acquired by Uber, Autocab最初是一家家族企业,至今仍有家族成员在公司工作! 

Autocab’s founder, Dr. Falah Abod, 30年前,一位具有改变交通行业愿景的计算机科学家是否曾试图创造一种新产品来简化调度过程.

Over a weekend, Dr. Abod设计了一个原型系统,并开始在他的车库后面销售这套设备. With a system more advanced than anything on the market, 基于硬件的解决方案在出租车中澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台了数据终端,将司机与办公室连接起来,业务迅速起飞.

The innovative solution Falah created to help the taxi industry, and businesses grow, 留下了一笔持久的遗产,至今仍影响着我们如何经营业务. 

Thank you Lucy!

To find out more about Autocab, click here.

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