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WeAreTechWomen的励志女性:Czarina Barnsby | 6point6技术架构主管

This interview was originally published on 17 March 2023. 
You can read the original article on the WeAreTechWomen website here.


Tell us a bit about yourself and your Technical Architecture role?

As Head of Technical Architecture at 6point6, I’m responsible for leading our team of Technical Architects. 我的工作是为我的团队创造一个可以茁壮成长的环境——在他们的建筑职业生涯中指导和指导他们, and supporting them on their journey to becoming Solution Architects.

我对培养技术人才充满热情——无论是在我的岗位上,还是通过6point6的技术架构学院. Last year, 我参与创建并发展了该学院,以提供一个结构化的课程来加速我们建筑师的发展. 技术架构学院的支柱涵盖了核心咨询技能, technical accreditations in AWS and Azure technologies, as well as methodological and application skills. 我们的目标是带领我们的团队完成整个架构生命周期,并为我们的技术架构师提供交付组织变更和架构以客户为中心的技术和系统的工具包.

Did you ever sit down and plan your career in tech?

到目前为止,敏捷一直是我职业战略的指导原则——在不断变化的技术环境下,它对我来说效果很好. 保持领先意味着我总是在寻找新技术和机会来发展我的专业知识.

That’s why I coach my team to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. 跟上技术变革的步伐需要我们不断试验:尝试新事物, learn from experience, 从错误中成长——克服对失败的恐惧,或者当事情出错时的尴尬. 引用敏捷方法的首要原则:“没有快速失败,我们就无法学习”。.

My own leap of faith into the unknown has led me to where I am today. In 2021, I left my company to retrain with Amazon Web Services. 我在B2B管理服务业务中担任高级职位已有十多年了,但我渴望扩展自己的技能,并准备澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台更大的IT世界. That year, 在澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台6point6担任技术架构主管之前,我通过AWS学院进行了再培训,并获得了AWS认证解决方案架构师助理和云从业者的资格.

Have you faced any career challenges and how did you overcome them? 

As a woman in tech, my career journey has been anything but linear. In fact, 我第一次意识到我想从事科技工作是在我还是个小女孩的时候,我母亲接受了计算机方面的再培训. 那是20世纪90年代,当时我还没有意识到女性在科技界很少见. 直到我在大学开始学习计算机,我才发现自己是房间里唯一的女孩. And so, despite getting great exam results, 我在学习了一个模块后就放弃了,转而学习英语和媒体.

我们都知道,课堂上的代表性很重要——但作为科技行业的领导者,现在回想一下这段经历, 我意识到激励和鼓励女孩学习STEM学科的紧迫性. 我相信我有责任确保房间里没有其他人是唯一的女孩. 技术带来的职业和机会是巨大的,只有通过与年轻人交流,我们才能打破这个领域的障碍. We are making enormous progress, 但我想告诉下一代女孩,她们可以梦想成为任何东西.

What has been your biggest career achievement to date?

Providing support, bringing people together, 看到周围的人成功给我带来了最大的成就感. I’m fulfilled by helping people on their journey, 没有什么能比看到我的学员和同事们成长并实现他们的目标——无论是通过考试, landing a new job, or finding success in their careers. 我很幸运,有机会将对技术的毕生热爱与为女性和盟友建立社区的热情结合起来, and coaching them to achieve more than they believed they could.

In 2021, I became a mentor for two AWS Academy training providers, 创立并推出了两个致力于倡导多样性和解决IT行业性别差距的新网络:女性和科技盟友, and AWSome Women and Allies in Tech. 前者的网络涵盖了整个电子职业AWS学院的培训项目, and has connected more than 100 women to date across 16+ isolated cohorts.

我喜欢我的角色和6point6团队的一点是,整个业务部门的员工都有能力推动变革,实现自己的抱负. Last year, I worked alongside my colleague, Phoebe Swindon, to launch the 6point6 Women in Tech Mentoring Programme. 该项目将整个行业的女性技术领导者与6point6的女性联系起来,支持我们的同事发展他们的网络并在职业生涯中茁壮成长. 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台一个努力设计变革并积极影响周围人生活的同事社区,是一种非常有益和谦卑的经历.

What resources do you recommend for women working in tech?

对于科技行业的女性来说,这是一个非常激动人心的时刻——那里有太多的资源! Personally, I’m a huge fan of TEDx – I find these talks and the stories that people tell really inspirational. 作为一名AWS社区建设者,我也不推荐AWS Cloud Women UK或其他出色的服务 Women in Cloud ‘Get Introduced’ programme highly enough. 通过这些社区,我认识了很多了不起的人,建立了一个真正让我成为最好的技术专家的网络, consultant, leader and mentor I can be.



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