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Meet Angela Leung, Technical Architect at 6point6

This article was originally published on 16 June 2023. 
You can read the original article on the 6point6 website here.



Angela was shortlisted as a finalist in the 2023 Women in Tech Excellence Awards. In this blog, she shares her inspiring journey to becoming a Technical Architect, 她是如何相信自己的直觉,在事业中断后做出转变的? 6point6是如何帮助她实现这一转变的.

What I do

我以技术架构师的身份澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台6point6,之前我在投资银行部门招聘了多年的复杂技术职位. 在花了一段时间抚养我年轻的家庭之后,我想要一个新的挑战. I’d always gravitated to technology, 我意识到,我在人才招聘方面的职业生涯给了我一个完美的平台,让我对解决方案和企业架构有了更高层次的理解——因为我了解人与技术是如何协同工作的, end-to-end. 

So I took the leap and retrained as an AWS Certified Solutions Architect. In May 2022, 我澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台了6point6,开始了我在技术架构学院的结构化学习之旅, 结合我新获得的建筑知识和过去的商业咨询经验.

In my role, 我与企业和解决方案架构师密切合作,以确定改进客户系统和流程的方法, 帮助他们克服运营方面的挑战,满足业务需求. This is where I draw on my communication skills, 与不同领域和各级业务的利益相关者进行合作,并朝着共同目标逐步改变.

Since joining 6point6, 我有很多机会将我的技术学习和人际交往能力结合起来,帮助我们的客户实现最佳结果. 6point6最初吸引我的是他们在关键技术趋势领域提供的全面服务,但现在最让我兴奋的是有机会在公共部门项目中发挥作用. There’s no ‘small cog in a big wheel’ syndrome here at 6point6. I know that my work makes a direct and positive impact.

Pull out quote: "From the devices we use to the services we rely on, technology touches every aspect of our lives. Don’t be afraid to explore that – no matter your skills or background, the possibilities that can be unlocked by a career in tech are enormous."

A day in my working life

我与客户打交道的工作既有趣又多样——通常包括与利益相关者会面, consolidating ideas or inputting to solution design. 6point6的技术架构学院意味着我们有专门的时间来学习和发展, 帮助我们跟上技术变革的步伐,并领先于不同云提供商的发展. 

员工小组也是6point6生活的重要组成部分,它为我们的员工提供了参与他们关心的问题的机会. I’m a member of our Green Team, 如何在我们更广泛的客户和员工群体中促进可持续发展. Last year, we signed the Climate Pledge and introduced more sustainable benefits, 包括电动汽车计划,但我们也在不断地寻找 smarter ways to create more efficient, sustainable IT.

Everyone here is united by an ambition to succeed together, and 6point6 has allowed me to find the right work balance for myself. That means being trusted to work independently, 我对公司的贡献得到了认可,我在追求事业成功的同时也得到了支持——包括做三个男孩的母亲! 这是一个希望为每个人创造最好的环境来共同实现伟大的事业的地方, 通过广泛的社会价值项目,使我们能够将整个自我带到工作中.

Career highlights

在我的成就清单上,在人生的后期转向一项新的职业是很重要的. It was a bold move that came with lots of reflection and soul-searching. I realised that technology touches every aspect of our lives, and the industry needs a diverse mix of communicators, problem solvers, critical thinkers, and collaborators - so no matter your background, I believe there’s a role in tech for you. 作为一名技术架构师,我在获取人才的过程中磨练了一些技能,这些技能我每天都在使用——即使是为人父母,也让我具备了同时处理多项任务并有效沟通以达成共识的能力!

6point6是我发展技术架构技能的好地方. When I first joined the business, 我很快就理解了拥有多云技能为客户提供公正服务的重要性, platform-agnostic solutions that best meet their needs. 6point6对我的能力进行了投资,让我能够为客户增加价值,为我不断增长的技术工具包获得额外的认证.

Pull out quote: "6point6 seeks talent from all walks of life. 无论你是一个经验丰富的技术专家还是一个好奇的初学者,他们都希望利用最好的人才,为不同的经历和创造性的思想家打开大门."

Technical Architecture is one the best jobs in the world because…

对于那些对技术如何带来有影响力的业务成果感兴趣和好奇的人, 技术架构是一个出色的角色,通过它,您可以与组织中的每个人进行交流,以设计和构建团队解决方案.

For anybody considering a career in technology, don't be put off by the perception that it’s all about hard coding, infrastructure, or complex systems and networks. There is so much more to discover, and as a technical architect, 商业或人际交往技能与对技术的深刻理解一样重要,可以帮助我们更好地塑造自己, more inclusive systems and services for everyone.



Angela Leung

Angela Leung, Technical Architect at 6point6

As an AWS and MS Azure certified Technical Architect, 安吉拉是技术作为组织变革的推动者的倡导者,并对技术如何, 技能发展和可持续性将影响工作场所的未来. When she’s not working, 安吉拉忙于照顾她的三个儿子,他们在一系列室内和室外运动中挑战她的极限,从抱石到划船.

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