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A Day in the Life - Asad Mustafa, Cyber Security Architect

This article was originally published by MIDAS, the inward investment promotion agency for Greater Manchester, on 14 December 2022. You can read the original article on the MIDAS website here.



When I first wake up, I prepare for the day by...

I’ll usually start my day by working out at a local independent gym. I’m very much a morning person, 所以我发现第一件事就是锻炼,这是开启一个高效率早晨的好方法!

My role is hybrid, so I might work from home for the rest of the day, or I might commute into the office on the train. 我一直是那种喜欢在办公室工作的人,喜欢和周围的人在一起的嗡嗡声——最近更是如此, 我发现,在远程工作和面对面协作之间找到平衡真的很适合我.

If I’m heading into the office,  去十大网博靠谱平台市中心的火车让我又快又方便. From there, our office is just a 15-minute walk from the station. 我们位于DiSH(十大网博靠谱平台数字安全中心)总部位于Heron House, 所以,在市中心散步时,你可以顺便去一些很棒的独立咖啡店.

I'm responsible for...

As a Cyber Security Architect at 6point6, I’m responsible for designing and building security solutions. 这意味着确保我们提供的解决方案是安全和弹性的,同时满足客户的独特挑战和要求.

To implement the required security controls, everyone needs to be working towards a common goal, and sharing one vision. 这需要强大的业务分析和沟通技巧,以了解涉众在解决方案中想要什么,并能够将他们的需求提炼成需求.

正是这种利益相关者参与方面,真正让我发挥了我所有的咨询技能和经验. 在我职业生涯的早期,我曾在航空航天行业担任系统安全架构师, 倡导产品安全在整个业务中的重要性和影响. 这给了我一个绝佳的机会来磨练我在不同团队和部门的参与技能——使我具备了构建解决复杂问题的协作解决方案的技能.

A typical day looks like...

在6point6工作的一件事是,似乎真的没有一个典型的一天——因为没有两个客户和两个项目是相同的. This makes our work really varied from one day to the next, and the opportunities to learn and grow are endless.

我于2018年毕业于十大网博靠谱平台大学,获得机械工程硕士学位,之后在国防航空航天工业开始了我的职业生涯, where I developed strong problem solving skills. 我也非常热衷于开发新功能和获得新的技术认证.

目前,我正在学习CompTIA Network+和Security+的认证. 这将为我提供进一步发展的技能基础.

The best part of my day is…

我一天中最棒的部分,实际上是我的角色,就是有机会在我如此热爱的领域工作. Everyone is really friendly and supportive, 通勤到DiSH并在那里结识新朋友总是一大亮点.

Do you face any challenges and how do you overcome them?

Working within cyber security, 最大的挑战之一是跟上技术变革的步伐. 技术一直在变化,威胁形势也在不断发展. That’s part of what makes our work so challenging and rewarding.

The problems we’re trying to solve aren’t static, either - we're competing against threat actors, so our solutions need to be resilient and iterative. 这使得在这个领域解决问题变得更有活力,也更令人兴奋.

So when it comes to navigating this landscape, 你需要有好奇心和灵活思维的意愿. 这也意味着学习最好是一个持续的旅程,而不是一个单一的目的地——保持领先要求我们不断地寻找新的技术和技能.


What would someone who wants to break into your industry need to know? 

Get in touch! 从事网络安全工作的人来自各行各业——这是我们需要具有多种视角的人的行业之一, experiences and skills. 开诚布公地迈出第一步,与业内人士聊聊天,可能会让你走得比你想象的更远.


How do you collaborate with the wider cyber and digital ecosystem?

作为一名十大网博靠谱平台大学的毕业生,我对这座城市有着强烈的好感. 完成硕士学位后,我花了一些时间通勤到布里斯托尔工作, but I was really looking for something closer to home. Now I’m at 6point6, 能在这个职位上为十大网博靠谱平台做出贡献,并成为DiSH这个令人惊叹的技术社区的一员,我感到非常荣幸.

We were the first residents to move into DiSH in October, and were based temporarily in HOST Salford prior to that. But in the few short months since finding our new home here, 我和我的同事完全被这里的人和文化所震撼. 参加十大网博靠谱平台科技节和Cyber First Empower North West等当地活动真是太棒了.

As for me, 我真的很期待二月份的数字技能节,我一直在寻找机会为支持当地的技术和网络社区发挥作用.



Manchester has some great places to eat out and socialise. Especially in Deansgate (check out Tattu, Speak In Code, and Crazy Pedro’s), Chinatown (Wong Wong Bakery), and the Northern Quarter (Washhouse is a great hidden bar, 在coffee Pot或19 Cafe Bar吃早午餐也不会让你失望).




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