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6point6 named ‘Employer of the Year’ in the 2023 English Veterans Awards

数字技术和网络安全专家6point6被英国退伍军人奖评为年度最佳雇主, 此外,两名资深员工亦获颁“年度领袖”及“年度模范”铜奖.

The Veterans Awards, a not-for-profit organisation, is dedicated to recognising exemplary veterans, reservists and companies that support the ex-forces community. As winner of the Employer of the Year category, 6point6 has been recognised as leading the way for businesses attracting, recruiting, 培训和支持退伍军人过渡到服务职业以外的角色. 

The awards ceremony, held in Bristol on 21 September, also saw 6point6 employees Daniel McCoy, Associate Director of Information Assurance, and Andrew Kershaw, Principal Consultant, 分别获颁“年度领袖”及“年度榜样”铜奖.

“两年的转型让我们重新定义了如何吸引和留住离职人员,” says Sue Carruthers, Chief People Officer, 6point6. “Veteran hires have more than doubled, 我们的退役军人人数已经增长到我们总劳动力的7%以上,这个数字远远高于全国平均水平. 如果没有我们令人难以置信的退伍军人社区和外部退伍军人慈善机构和专业组织的帮助,这一切都不可能实现 TechVets他们支持我们改变我们的文化,有意地包容所有人.”

年度最佳雇主奖表彰6point6在吸引和支持退伍军人和服务人员方面所提供的全方位支持, who may not have conventional career paths and come with specific needs. 除了6point6的顶级员工福利外,支持的例子包括:

  • 所有申请6point6招聘职位的合格退伍军人都保证获得面试机会.
  • 延长提供就业机会的准备时间(从接受工作到开始新工作长达一年),以便更好地支持退伍军人重新安置.
  • Support to help the orientation into corporate life, 包括在入职前3个月为所有澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台6point6的退伍军人提供伙伴计划,以及在澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台6point6之前为新过渡的退伍军人提供“与团队见面”的日子.
  • 慷慨的预备役军人政策,每年为预备役军人提供12天的带薪休假.
  • “帮助英雄”的社区合作伙伴关系,提供认识课程,并为管理人员提供专业知识,以了解退伍军人面临的独特挑战.
  • Time earmarked for volunteering, empowering veterans to champion the causes they care about; from fundraising in support of the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal 协调、分类和运输援助,为白鹰乌克兰呼吁提供帮助.

“设计的包容性是我们6point6的理念,”苏·卡拉瑟斯补充道. “我们不断扩大的客户群和同比指数级增长,得益于多元化的员工队伍吸引和招聘那些不符合通常科技咨询公司模式的人. For many years we have supported serving personnel, service leavers, 退伍军人和他们的家人——这是一个长期的承诺,当我们成为 signatories of the Armed Forces Covenant last year and within 12 months gained Silver award in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme.”

“退伍军人拥有备受追捧的技能和品质:对变化的快速适应能力, resilience and grit, speedy logical thinking, the spirit of camaraderie and teamwork. By hiring veterans and service personnel, 我们正在扩大对建设最佳工作场所的理解.”

Nefyn Jones, Chief Executive Officer, said:

“After years of service, 我们的退伍军人澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们,希望在他们新的文职职业生涯中产生有意义的影响. At 6point6, 他们不仅找到了一份工作,而且找到了一个使命感驱动的环境,在那里他们可以参与备受瞩目的中央政府和国家基础设施项目.

Our employees have told us that they find genuine fulfilment in their work, 对转变公共部门组织的数字服务和能力产生直接和积极的影响. 这使得6point6成为我们的退伍军人进入平民职业生涯的第一步, whose skills, 经验和对积极变革的承诺为我们的团队增加了巨大的价值,并最终影响了数百万公民的生活.”

资讯保障副总监及铜奖得主Daniel McCoy评论道:

“从军队生活到平民生活的过渡是生活的重新定位,需要耐心和理解, both personally and professionally. 6point6 has welcomed veterans into the world of technology, 通过承认他们的价值,帮助他们弥合军民角色之间的鸿沟, 创造一个环境,让他们能够在技术领域茁壮成长并发展成功的职业生涯.

6point6 provides and promotes a professional environment founded on empathy, and with the help of the internal veteran community, we’re shaping a smoother, much welcomed ease into civilian life.”

For more information on joining 6point6, visit our career opportunities or contact our recruitment team.



About the Veterans Awards

In association with ABF The Soldiers’ Charity and the Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity,退伍军人奖是一个非牟利组织,致力支援退伍军人社区. 该奖项旨在表彰和表彰在相关领域表现出色的退伍军人,以激励未来的退伍军人, 以及那些加倍努力支持或从退役军人群体中招募员工的公司. 通过奖项筹集的资金将通过 small grants scheme.

Find out more about the Veterans Awards here.

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