
启动激活 Session Three: Get a Deeper Understanding of Investment - Panel Discussion


‘Getting investor ready’ is a phrase you’ve no doubt heard countless times on your journey so far…

但大多数情况下, getting investor ready is usually more about you and your company and less about the investor, the market or the external timing being right to align with your expectations.

However to be truly investor ready and know exactly what your investor is looking for requires a knowledge of how different funds work, 你的投资者期望如何获得投资回报率, how things such as micro and macroeconomics can impact the market and how to get your timings right for not just yourself but the wider market you’re about to go and pitch to.

澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们的网站: 2024年3月26日下午4点 for the 启动激活's 'Get a Deeper Understanding of Investment Panel’ as we bring together Investors and Entrepreneurs to demystify the world of investment for early-stage startup founders.

The panel discussion brings together a diverse group of investment experts, 包括经验丰富的天使投资人, 风险投资家, 私募股权专业人士, and successful startup founders to help educate founders on the intricacies of investment, 揭示了融资机制, the impact of cyclical events and wider economic factors that can influence how investment decisions are made works.

Don’t go to your next pitch second guessing what your investor is likely to be thinking…




亚当·米特森,首席执行官 & My2be的联合创始人


凯特·朗沃斯是盖亚学习的首席执行官, and marketing entrepreneur across Education and Tech; having partnered with the NHS, local authorities and colleges to understand learner experiences in education. 凯特的女儿有病态需求回避症.

杰斯·杰克逊- Praetura Ventures投资经理

Jess拥有丰富的企业支持经验, including at Praetura Ventures where she is responsible for identifying and managing investment opportunities for our EIS Growth Fund and the GMC Life Sciences Fund By Praetura.

以及对社会影响力公司的热情, 杰西是“北方基金”的创始成员之一, a collective which champions investment opportunities for women. 在澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台Praetura之前, 杰西在GC天使公司工作, overseeing fund deployment into a wide range of businesses.

Ciaran Rawcliffe, Investment Analyst at Sure Valley Ventures

总部设在十大网博靠谱平台, Ciaran joined the SVV team in 2021 after graduating with a first class honours in Economics. Having previously written papers on the links between modern technological indicators and investor strategy, 他在科技和投资方面有个人背景, 还有对细节的敏锐观察力. 

约旦Dargue, lift ventures的联合创始人

约旦Dargue, 一位有远见的高级管理人员, board director and angel investor in her own right revolutionising the investment landscape with unrivalled passion for diversity, 创新金融和成功的记录. 

Jordan has made a significant impact in the investment landscape, having been recognised for her achievements in making a difference for SME’s to access early stage finance.

作为前联合领导人, NorthInvest的董事和董事会成员, 同时也是Fund Her North的联合创始人, and Founder of Women Angels of the North an angel syndicate which she grew to 50 women to support and back female founders.  Jordan has led multi million equity-based investment rounds, developed award winning investor networks and supported thousands of SME’s to raise investment. 

Jordan has recently Co-Founded Lifted Ventures to support diverse entrepreneurs to access early stage investment.

Lifted Angels are an angel and co-investor network which is primed to address the lack of funding going to diverse entrepreneurs outside of London, 宣传支持女性创始人的商业利益. 





十大网博靠谱平台数字公司, we believe in creating an inclusive and diverse community where everyone feels welcome and valued. We are committed to ensuring that all our event attendees have a safe, 满足他们需求的愉快体验. We invite all attendees to contact us if they have any dietary requirements, 易访问性需求, 或者神经多样性要求, or if they require accommodations to respect their cultural or religious needs during their visit. 我们相信,通过共同努力, we can create an environment that is welcoming to all and allows everyone to fully participate in our events. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to hear from you and to work with you to ensure that our events are accessible and inclusive for everyone.


2024年3月26日 16:00 - 18:00
Manchester Tech Incubator Circle Square, Oxford Rd, Manchester M1 7ED

